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L. <br />�� <br />4• <br />�k <br />�'� <br />CHAPTER 7 <br />FIRE SAFETY REQUIREMENTS <br />SECTION 701 <br />GENERAL <br />76I.1 Scope. The prnvisio��s of this chapter shall govern ihe <br />r�iiurn�m conditions and standards far fire safery relating to <br />structures and exteriar premises, including iire safety facilities <br />and equipment to he provided. <br />701.2 Responsibility. The owner of thepremises shall provide <br />and maintain such trre safetv facilities and eqt�ipmcn[ in cpm- <br />pliaz�ce with these �cquirernert�s. A person shall not occupy as <br />owner-occupant or permit another person to occupy any pre- <br />�nisesthatdonotcomply withtherequiremcntsofthischapter. <br />�� SECTION 702 <br />MEANS �� EGRESS <br />702.1 General. A safe, continuous and unobstructed path of <br />travel shall beprovidedfrom any pointin abuilding ar structure <br />'to the public way. Means of egress shall comply with tlie Irzter- <br />na€ior�ul Fire Code. <br />702.2 Aisles. The required width of aisle; in �vcordance with <br />the Internc�rionc�l Fire Code shall be unobsii,�crc>d. <br />7U2.3 Lockeci ds�ors. Al1 means nFegress doars shall be readily <br />openable from the side from which egress is to be made without <br />the need far keys, special knowledge ar effori, except where the <br />doar hardware confarms to thatpermitted by the lrirernatinrial <br />Building Cocfe. <br />702.4 Emergency escape openings. Required emergency es- <br />cape openings shall be maintained in accard�ce with the code <br />in effect at the time of construction, and the following. Re- <br />quired emergency escape and rescue openings shall be opera- <br />tional frorr� the inside of the room without the use of keys ar <br />.•h tools. Bars, grilles, grates ar similar devices are permitted to bc <br />placed over emergency escape and rescue openings provided <br />theminimumnetclear opening size comp�ies wit�ithe code that <br />was in effectat the time of construction and such devices shall <br />be releasable or removable fi-�m the inside without the use of a <br />key, tool ar farce greater than that which is required far normal <br />operation of the escape and rescue opening. <br />[F] SECTION 7G3 <br />FIRE-RESISTANCE RATINGS <br />703.1 Pire-resistance-ratedassemblies. The required iire-re- <br />sistance rating of fire-res�istar�ce-rated walls, tire stops, shaft <br />enclosures, partitions and floars shall be maintained. <br />703.2 Opening prntecti�ues. Required opening prolectives <br />shall be maintained in an operative condition. 1�T1 fire and <br />smokestop doars shall be innintarncd iu operable condi[iou. <br />2003 INTERNATIONAL PROPERTY MAINTENANCE CODE@ <br />Fire doars and smoke harrier doars shall not be blocked ar ob- <br />st€�tcted ar otherwise made inoperable. <br />[F] SECTION 704 <br />�It�E PROTECTION SYSTEMS <br />704.1 General. All systems, devices and equipment to detect a <br />fire, actuate an alarat, or suppress or conti� l a£'�e nr any combi- <br />nation thcreof`shall be maintained in an operable condition at <br />all times in accardance with the Ir¢#ernarianal Fire Code. <br />704.2 Smoke alarms. Single ar multiple-station smoke alarms <br />shall be installed and maintained in Groups R-2, R-3, R-4 and <br />in dwellings not regulated in Group Tt occupancies, regardless <br />of occupant load at all of the following locations: <br />1. On Cl�e ceiling ar wall outside of each separate sleeping <br />area in the immediate vicinity of bcdRUor.�s. <br />2. In each room used far sleeping purposes. <br />3. In eaeh sl:ory within adwelling unit includingbasement�s <br />.�iL LL I. l'' ��II� II{5I IIIL:IILII:I'�' L.�i�'n I t��+�L.!:}.II'iI Ii'�ISII.�I.I' <br />:.rp _,i�li_� . I u•.I�xv•I I: u f.s ;r:: u �!: i:7g tu �"� •,� ;l,i k�•li �r�: ��'.t <br />�,•�' without an intervening doar between +:�e :: A:acent <br />levels, a smoke alarm installed on the upper lwei shall <br />s�rffiee far the adjacent lower level provided that the <br />lower level is less than one fi�ll story 6elow the upper <br />level. <br />'�i �� I�� � a ��:� �� ��yl� �I �i r�� - 7}•.', � �d �i i �i � �I:��I �e r.ed�l:t:•;� <br />ul :u:r l�i uu�75 1�7 JL ti 1:'_� �71'i..^. y.51"�' �'.11• � i:l�`?:GH.'�r:ir� h!7! f.fl :�t'. <br />704.3 Pa��er source. In Graun R occupancies an� in dwellings <br />not regulated as G��oup R occupancies, single-station smoke <br />alarms shall reocive their nrimarv �awer from the bui�din� wir- <br />ing provided that such wiring is served from a commercial <br />source and shall be equipped with a battery backup. Smoke <br />alarms shall emit a signal when the batteries are [ow. Wiring <br />shall be permanent and without a disconnecting switch other <br />than as required Cur ove�'ca�ra�� protection. <br />—1 <br />� <br />� <br />Exception: Smoke a1F�rms are permitted to be solely battery :� <br />operated in bt�ildings where no eonstruc[ion is taking place, <br />buildings that are not served from a commercial power <br />source and in existing areas of buildings undergoing alter- •� <br />ations or repairs that do not result in the removal of interiar � <br />wall ar ceiling finishes exposing the s�ructt�re„ unless there � <br />is an attic, crawl space ar basement available w}�ich could . <br />provide access far building wiring without the removal of •� <br />interior finishes, j <br />704.4 Interconnection. Where moee than one smoke alarm e �' <br />required to be installed within an individual dwelling unit in ��� <br />Group R-2, R-3, R-4 and in dwellings not regulated as Group R -- � <br />occupancies, the smok� alarms shall be interconnectedin such •� <br />a manner that the activation of one alarm will activate all of the ` <br />;I <br />I:. <br />i� <br />