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� <br />—�— - -- <br />MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL REQUIREMENTS <br />cilities in accordance with the ICC Elec�r-ical Code. Dwelling <br />units shall be served by a three-wire, 1201240 volt, single- <br />phase electrical service having a rating of not less than 60 am- <br />peres. <br />604.3 Electrical5ystein hazards. Where it is found that the <br />electrical system in a structure constitutes a hazard to the occu- <br />pantsorthestructurebyreasonofinadequate service,iinproper <br />fusing, insufficient receptacle and lighting outlets, iinproper <br />wiring or installation, deterioration or dainage, or for siinilar <br />reasons, the code official shall require the defects to be cor- <br />�e��d to e�iminat�; the hazard. <br />SECTION 605 <br />ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT <br />605.1 Installation. All electrical equipinent, wiring and appli- <br />ances shall be properly installed and inaintained in a safe and <br />approved inanner. <br />605.2 Receptacles. Every habitable space in a dwelling shall <br />contain atleast two separate and remote receptacle outlets. Ev- <br />ery laundry area sha11 cc�ntain at'�r�r r��. �-����,}; �•;���� r-r.r� - <br />tacle er a receptacle with a ground fault circuit iaterrupter. <br />F.�•�n• �^:rhm�-r -F�:1: ::nnt:�-= : "t•-.L� �•�•• r��:^�rlr .+5m• ne� <br />t:�-hr.•rn-n mrr^�wlt• rni�: �i �L•:i li F-rr^ wrtn� j f� I['ITt:.�'� i�ir-• <br />rupter protection. <br />605.3 Lighting fixtures. Every public hall, interior stairway, <br />toilet rooin, kitchen, bathrn�m, t�undry rooin, boiler rooin and <br />furn ace ronm shai€ cpp tazn at I�as� one electric lighting fixture _ <br />SECTION 606 <br />ELEVATORS, ESCALATORS AND DUMBWAITERS <br />606.1 General. Elevators, duinbwaiters and escalators shall be <br />inaintained to sustain safely all iinposed loads, to operate prop- <br />erly, and to be free froin physical and fire hazards. The inost <br />current certificate of iz�spection shall be on display at all times <br />within the elevator or attached to the escalator or duinbwaiter; <br />or the certi�icate shall be available for public inspection in the <br />o£#ice of the building operator. <br />606.2 Elevators. In buildings equipped u�ith passenger eleva- <br />tors, at least one elevator shall be inaintained 'm operation at all <br />tiines when the building is occupied. <br />Exception: Buildings equippedwith onlyone elevatorshall <br />be permitted to have the elevator iemporarily out of service <br />far testing or servicir�g <br />SECTION 607 <br />DUCT �°'(STEMS <br />607.1 General. Duct systeins shall be inaintainedfree of ob- <br />structions and shall becapable of perfonning therequiredfunc- <br />tion. <br />1$ 2003 INTERNATIONAL PROPERTY MAINTENANCE CODE� <br />