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�,� -r � <br />� � <br />�� � <br />January 2 3, 2 0 0 6 <br />Council Memo Item: 8. <br />Item Description: <br />Discuss Appeal Process from Liquor Citations <br />L BACKGROUND <br />At least twice a year, the Police Department does liquor compliance checks to determine � <br />any of the 40 on-site liquor licensees in the City are serving alcohol to persons less than 21 <br />years old. If the Police find that an under-age person is served alcohol, they write a citation <br />and send the licensee a letter informing them of their opportunity to appeal the suspension <br />of alcohol sales under their liquor license. This appeal letter has referred licensees to an <br />appeal to the City Manager since before I arrived here as City Manager. <br />Pursuant to this letter, I have heard 5-10 liquor appeals. When licensees have appealed, I <br />set up a hearing date that works for city staff and the licensee. I have the licensee submit in <br />advance of the hearing a written statement setting forth the basis for their appeaL And I <br />conduct an informal hearing where they present whatever witnesses they wish. Each hear- <br />ing lasts about an hour. After the hearing, I prepare a decision summarizing the testimony <br />presented at the hearing, and setting forth my decision along with the reasons for my deci- <br />sion. Sometimes I have simply affirmed the penalty, sometimes I have heard evidence that <br />lead me to offer the licensee an alternative punishment. <br />�X. �S�l.1.F' <br />Does the Council wish: <br />L To hear initially and decide all appeals from liquor citations, or <br />2. Do you want the City Manager or his/her designee to hear appeals initially with the <br />licensee having the further opportunity to appeal my decision to the Council and the <br />Courts? <br />III. ANALYSIS <br />The following factors favor the Council hearing and deciding all appeals: <br />. Council can take a more high profile role in regulating liquor service. <br />. By hearing each appeal, Council can monitor the operations of licensees and Police <br />compliance checks. <br />The following factors favor the Council having the City Manager, his designee, or some <br />third party initially hear all appeals: <br />. Conserves Council agenda time for bigger picture issues; <br />