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. The Council being a five-member political body, having staff or some non-elected <br />person hear appeals may help de-politicize the hearing process. <br />IV. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION <br />The City Code contains different Council approaches to the question of who holds hearings <br />or hears appeals. <br />I�� the area of tobacco compliance checks (which is similar to liquor compliance in the sense <br />that the Police do routine compliance checks for tobacco sales to under-age persons as well <br />as for liquor sales), the Code says that the City Manager first holds a hearing and aggrieved <br />persons may appeal the Manager's decision to the CounciL City Code � 306.06.D (at- <br />tached). When we talked about holding hearings or appeals regarding dangerous animals, <br />the Council indicated they did not want to hear appeals at all but preferred that the Police <br />Chief or the City Manager or his designee hear those appeals. And despite the practice de- <br />scribed above, the Code regarding liquor compliance checks speaks to the Council hearing <br />appeals and does not mention a role for staff beyond issuing the citation. City Code � <br />302.15 (attached). In the area of stop signs and no parking signs, state statute refers to the <br />Council taking action regarding tl�e placement of such signs but a Roseville City Council <br />Resolution delegates that Council authority to the Traffic Safety Committee consisting of <br />the City Manager, Police Chief, and Public Works Director. Roseville Resolution 6946 (at- <br />tached). <br />So the Council has chosen several approaches to such situations. <br />V. REOUEST <br />City Council direction about your desires respecting appeals from liquor compliance cita- <br />tions. <br />Once the City Council has given direction, Staff will work with the City Attorney to deter- <br />mine � the Code needs to be changed to accurately reflect Council direction and, � so, we <br />will bring any necessary Code changes back to you for adoption. <br />r, f • <br />� ��� <br />� <br />�+'�-'� <br />�� <br />