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REQUEST FOR COUNCIL DISCUSSION\DIRECTION <br />DATE: 01 /23/06 <br />ITEM NO: �J. <br />l�t��=rn7�nr .3t rl't}ti�,�l �:]R' ' L=�����•I _�' 1't;� <br />�� �� <br />Item Description: Notification Policies for Land Use Hearings <br />1.0 REQUEST: <br />1.1 At the January 9,2006 Council meeting, after hearing the presentation on the Kimco <br />rezoning, the Council requested that city public hearing notification processes be placed <br />on the agenda for the study meeting. <br />While the staff can (below) give the Council the approximate cost, the Council will have <br />to place the value on the declining return or interest of property owners at greater <br />distances from the site. <br />2.0 BACKGROUND <br />2.1 State Statute 462.357 Subd. 3, provides the basis for the current mailed notification <br />process. <br />Subd. 3. Public hearings. 1�b zoning o�dinance o� <br />amendment the�eto shall be adopted until a public hea�ing <br />has been held the�eon by the planning agency o� by the <br />gove�ning body. A notice of the time, place and pu�pose of <br />the hea�in� shall be �ublished i n the offi c i a Z news�a�e� of <br />C��i�' if��Jlt� �i��ci! 1 C}� �I M1 ! i•_�LUi !'r�rJ L�ri'r� C'�:UJ- �Cy r:�iE? C�n}' L7� f.�� <br />���� �-, r� _ �r��n ,3:� �Tvndr��::v in�ml�rea �h�ra��� in �� s :ri c� <br />�'vLi�iL.K�l ��iJ•••� �1 ��t-�ii� uJJ �iL�� ul r � Y � �Li L�+ �1 1�va�.+r � -" " <br />�lJil�! r�t' t]���UL' y'�-'ii�I� �!}t� 1�'Ir�_' 1 t�f �3 �' 1$dSt C�u C��'�S �?� �{}�'� ��$ <br />�i�y o� �}�� �:���rirtu �_�a e��?� c�r��r ��a�f� a ���rt�r� �,�n�a���� <br />�r,a��x��}{ a'i ���r.�� ���a .�� ��- ���?�F ��•i C!�n.r�_.��`�-�ee~-��i� <br />�r����- �}�.: e�; '�r�ii ��'x .}n� .�r��.�:�n t-,.,.r�.i � t o�:. Fo� th e pu�pose o f <br />giving mailed notice, the pe�son �esponsible fo� mailing the <br />notice may use any app�op�iate �eco�ds to dete�mine the <br />names and add�esses of owne�s. A copy of the notice and a <br />Z i s t o f th e owne�s and add�ess es t o which th e n o t i c e was <br />sent shall be attested to by the �esponsible pe�son and <br />shall be made a pa�t of the �eco�ds of the p�oceedings. The <br />failu�e to give mailed notice to individual p�ope�ty owne�s, <br />o� defects i n the notice shall not invalidate the <br />p�oceedings, p�ovided a��o:�a fide attempt to comply with <br />th is subdivision has been made. <br />