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105.4 Material and equipment reuse. Materials, equipment <br />and devices shall not be re�ised unless such e[ements are in <br />good repair ar have been reconditioned �z��l tested when neces- <br />sary, placed in good and proper warking condition and ap- <br />proved. <br />SECTION 106 <br />V10LAT10NS <br />IOG.� Unlawful acts. lt shall be �,u�;�u � t�i for a person, fsrm or <br />corporation to be in conflict with ar in violation of any of the <br />provisions of this code. <br />1(i6,21�ntice oiviolatio�. `I'he code official shall scrve anotice <br />of violation ar order in accardance with Section 107. <br />�ikS.� Prosecution oF violation. Any person failingto comply <br />with a notice of violation ar arder served in acc�rdanca with <br />Section 1 D7 shall be. deen�ed guilty of a misdemEa��or, and the <br />violation shall be deemed a strict liability offense. lf the notice <br />of violation is not complied with, the code oftici�l shall insti- <br />tute tlie appropriate proceeding at law ar in equity to restrain, <br />correct or abate such violation, ar to require t3�e removaI or ter- <br />mination of the unlawful occupancy of the structure in viola- <br />tion of the provisions of this code ar of the arder ar direction <br />made t�[us€�a�t thereto. Anv action taken bv the aul�harity hazr- <br />ing jurisdiction on such premises shall be charged against the <br />real entate upon which thestructure is �ocai:ed a�d sha�l be a lien <br />upon such real estate. <br />�06.�1 Vialataor# penaltie��-_'��_y� perso�l who shall violate u pra- <br />vision of this code, ar fail to comply therewith, ar with any of <br />the requirements thereof, shall be prosecuted withi�l the limits <br />provide� by state or local laws. Each day that a violation con- <br />tinues after due notice has been served shall be deemed a sepa- <br />rate offense. <br />106.5 Abatement of violation. The inxposition of the penalties <br />herein prescribed shall not preclude the legal offieer of the ju- <br />risdiction €rgni instituting appropi7ate action to restrain, car- <br />rect ar abate a violation, or to grevent illegal occupancy of a <br />building, structure or pre�niscs, or to stop an illegal act, con- <br />duct, business or utilization of ttse building, structure ar pre- <br />mises. <br />SECTION 107 <br />NOTICES AND ORDERS <br />1071 Notice to person responsible. Whenever the code of�'E- <br />cia� d�iez'tniaes that lhere has been a violation of this �u�: or <br />F"S �T�I.TiSIL� I::':I' l'?'L' :� I:�I iI S�I�.��.I��iT�I.IiI41l i-1:1 CL�..'�� �!I: v k�l:�'� <br />�^ �i•�r� =r. �Fr. rFia-•� �,..t�rlrJ �i �t�'u�r�c ' �� �. = F:id L �`' .: <br />to the person responsible f.�tr the violation as specified in this <br />code, Notices far condemnation procedures shall also comply <br />with Section 108.3. <br />107.2 Form. 5uch n€�tice pa•ascribed in Section 107.1 shall be in <br />accardance with all of the following: <br />1. Be in writing. <br />20031NTERNATIONAL PROPERTY MAINTENANCE CQD�c� <br />ADMINISTRATION <br />2. Tnclur�� x desci;ptini7 ofthereal estate sufficient F� iden- <br />tificatian. <br />3. Incl�tde a stateEnent oftheviolationorviolationsandu�hy <br />the notice is being issued. <br />4. lnclude a correction arder a�owing a reasonable time to <br />make the repairs and improvements required to bring the <br />dwelling unit or stn�cture into compliance with the pro- <br />visions of this code. <br />5. Infiorm the property owner of the right to appeal. <br />5. lnclude a staterztent of the right to file a lien in accnr- � <br />da€ice with Section 106.3. <br />107.3 Method of service. Such notice shall be deemed to be <br />properly sen�ec3 if a copy li�ereof is: <br />1. Delivered personally; <br />2. Sent by certi�ed or first-clatis mail addressed to the last <br />known address; ar <br />3. If tfze notice is returr�ecl showing thatU� letter was not <br />delivered, acopy iliereof shall bepostedin aconspicuous <br />place in or about the struciure affected by such notice. <br />107.4 Penalties. Penaltics for noncompliance with arders and <br />��at.ices shall be as set farth in Section 106.4. <br />107.5 Transfer of ownership. lt shall be unlawfz�l for the <br />owner of any dwelling unit ar structure who has received a <br />compliance arder ar upon whom anotice of vialation has been <br />served 7� scl], transfer, martgage, le��•� ar otherwise dispose of <br />such dwelling unit ar structure [.n a�� �rh °r �ntif the provisions of <br />thecomplianceorder ornotice of violation havebeencomplied <br />with, ar t��t�l such owner shall first furnish the grantee, krans- <br />feree, martgagee or lessee a true copy of any compliance arder <br />ar notice of violation issued by the code official and shall fur- <br />nish to the code official a signed and notarized statement from <br />InrB grantee, transferee, mortgagee or lessee, acicnowledging <br />the receipt of such compliance arder or notice ofviolation and <br />fully accepting the responsibility withoutcondition for making <br />the con�ectians or repairs required by such compliance arder ar <br />notice of violation. <br />;. <br />�� . <br />� <br />� � <br />I: <br />f _ <br />i <br />t <br />1 <br />SECTION 108 .L <br />UNSAFE STRUCTURES AND EQUIPMENT i <br />108.1 General. When a structure arequiptrtentis found by the <br />code o�ciat to be t�nsafe, ar when a structure is fou�d unfitfar <br />human occupancy, ar is found unlawful, such structure shall be <br />caz�aen2t�ed pursuant to the provisions of this code. <br />10811 Unsafe structures. An unsafe struuture is one tl�at <br />is found to bedangerous to the tife,�ealtl�, p�operty ar safety <br />of the public or d�u occupants of the structure by not provid- <br />ing minimum safeguards to protectoc waxn occupants in the <br />event of �re, or because such structure contains unsafe <br />equipment oris so damaged, decayed, dilapidated, sulictur- <br />a�ly unsafe ar of such faulty construction or unstable foun- <br />dation. that partial or complete collapse is possible. <br />� <br />