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ADMlNlS"fRATEC7N <br />..---- — _ - _.__ <br />_ _ _ _. ,.. . <br />— --._._..: <br />_ , , , ,�--- . _ ,.: <br />1�8.1.2 Iinsafe eqtpiprnent. Ursafe equiprs�eot i�ic3udes <br />any bntler, heati�ag eqt�iprnent, e�evator, n�o��in, .�tairway, <br />eleeti.ica] wiiin� or device, tl�insnabie [iquid cantainei:5 or <br />other eqG�i�naent on cl�e preniises or wichin the struct�Ere <br />which is in such di�repai�-or coi3ditioi� �hat such eq��ipn�erat <br />is a[��z�•d to ]i:Fe, health, prope�fy or sal�ety nf tl3e pub[Ic ar <br />occ��pants af the premi�es or strii�tt�re, <br />lf7ii.:1.3 5tructure un�tf'or��um�� occu��a�zcy. A str��ct«F-e <br />is unfit £or l�umai� occupnt�cy wh�nc�er ti�e cod� officiztl <br />�nds th��c such stz�ucture is ��nsaie, unlawful or. beeai�se c�f <br />tE�e degree to which tYte stn�cture is in discepair or la�ks <br />inai�ite�iaace, is iaisanitary, vern�in nt' rat ia�fisted, contaitts <br />#iltl� a«d cor�tarraination, ot- lacks ventil�ttic�n, ilt�im.inatian, <br />sanitary o� ite�tting faciliti�s or r�Cher es�entir�[ ec7uipin�nt re- <br />quired Uy this code, t�r hecause fl�e location nf th� stracture <br />constitutes a haz��rci to ti�e oceU�anis of c��e structtue or to <br />the pub(iL. <br />].€}$.1,4 LTniawiul s#r�acture. Aii u�tlswful stc�icture is onc <br />fou3�ct i�i whole or in part ca be occ��pied by in«re �ersotis <br />than permitted uncier this code, or wati er�:cted, altc;red oroc- <br />ct��ied contrary tc� law. <br />lU$.2 Cl�si��g of vacan! sfruc#t�res. If Che sh�ic[uze is vlcant <br />�tnd in7fi[ for human habit�ition a�d occ�ip�ncy, aiid is not in <br />dange�� nf scructur�l collapse, the ccade oiiici:�; is authorizecl tn <br />i�osC a p1��ca��d oi' con[te��rs�ition c�n tt�e pren7ises ��icl order ihe <br />stx-uct�i�-e closed ��p so as not to E�e an attraitive ni�isance. Upou <br />faili�re of the owne�• to rlose up [he pren�ises within the time <br />specif:ted in Che order, the cacle off�cial sh�t11 ca�ase the premises <br />to be closed ancl secnred throt€�h any available �ublic agency t3r• <br />l�y contract or ai-��angei�ent l�y privste persons an�i the cosC <br />thereof shall be charge� against the �-eal estate i�l�an whic3� the <br />structure is locafe�3 s��[ shall be a[ien upon suC17 re��l esfitte and <br />znzry b� coilecteci �iy a��y other legal resnurc�, <br />i08,3 Notice. Whenever t�e �ode al'.fici�l h�is co��demned a <br />str�ict�€c-e or eyuipment �Aader the pravisions of this section, no- <br />tice s��al [ he posce.d i�� a conspicuous place in or about t�e su�ic- <br />ture ttftected hy such notice ���1d servecl nn the nwner or t(�e <br />peeso�� o€- persoa�s respansible ft�r tl�e str�FCture or ec�u ipn�ent i�z <br />aecpz-dar�ce with 5ection 1 t}7.3. If the i�otic� �ertains tt� eq�ip- <br />ment, it sl�a(i alsn be p3aceci on the conclzmneclequipment. The <br />itotice shall be ii� the inz-nt prescrii�ed in SecCic�n 1Q7.2. <br />108.4 Placarding. Upon failure nf t�ie ov�-ner ns• pei°san ��es�nn- <br />sible ct� cnmply witt� the notiee �rovisiaz7s wathin tt�e time <br />� ven, the code oi'#ici�l sk�all �ost on the �n�emises or nn defec- <br />tive ec�uipa��ent n plac�rd Uearing the wnrd "Coz�den�aed" :�nd a <br />stateme��t of tf�e peiialties pa�ov Ided,foa� ucc�a�yi ng tlie nremi ses, <br />o}�eratina the eyuipmept or r�movin� tl�e placarc{. <br />1�8.�.1 PiaEard rQ�novaL `I'he �ode official sh��ll remnve <br />the co��dem�3atiqn glactrd whenever t;�e tiF.fect or de�ects <br />��an which the condetnnatian and plac�trdinU actifl�l wer� <br />based have 6ec;n elrminated. Auy i�erson rvhn ctefaces flr re- <br />rtiov�s a conciemntliion plztcard withaut iE�e apprnval af the <br />code o€ticial shall be subject tn tl�e penalties prov�cded l�y <br />tf1i5 Cade. <br />10�5 Prahibited oCCUpat�cy. Any �cc�i�ie�l siructure cnn- <br />dernned �nd plac�rded by tl�e code o�ciul Sha11 he vacKited .ls <br />ordererl by the code offscial. Any persr�n whc� sha11 occ€�py a <br />placardec� premises or shail nper�te pl�ic�rciecf ec��aipment, �nd <br />4 <br />� <br />any ow�ier c� r at�y per'SO�7 �'e:spansa ble t�or the prenrises who shal[ <br />tet <ui}�one occupy a pl:�carde�l preinises or operate ��l�icarded <br />ec�uipn�e�lt shatl be iiable foa• tl�e penalt,ies pirov.ic�ed by Chis <br />coc�e. <br />��C'�ICiN 1U9 <br />�i�f����i��Y i1��,4SURES <br />it19.i I��ir�anent dai�ger. When, in the npinion aFthe cUCle ofEi- <br />cial, tl��;re is i��lirtin�nt danger of failiu�e or cvllap�e oi a build- <br />in� ot tit��racture wt�ich ea�dangers lii'e, cir wl�an any sirucEure nr <br />�tut of a stracturL laas t'a1Ie�� and li:[e is end�in,�er�d by the c>ccu- <br />p�ition c7f the structut�e, cir wh�.i7 the�•e is .�ctua1 or patentiai daR- <br />jer to the buildin� c�ccupant,s or t�aase in [he �x•axi€nity o# any <br />str«cture because of ex�losives, exglasive tumes �r vapot's or <br />tkte presetzce of taxac fumes, gases or materials, nr operatian af <br />clefective os' ��laiigerpus ez�uiprnei�t, tl�e code c��ciat is herEby <br />audtc�rizeri ctnd e�iap�w�recl to ord�r aczc� r�cluire the ncr�gants <br />to v:u�ite thc; prert�se5 fortl7with. The cnde nfficial shall cause <br />to 3�e posted at each enta•�uic� tc> suc�� str�icture t� aotice reading <br />as 1'ollows: "`I'�is Strucnire is L)nsal'e aud Ics Qcci�gttz5cy I�as <br />Bean Prot�ibited by th� Cocl�� n{-�;ci ;!:' I; sh�il �.e uatlauful S't�r <br />aily persUn to ente�� s�ach scr�ict���e excepi For the pu��pos� af se- <br />c�u�i�g the structure, a��iKi�ig tine r�c�uired repriirs, rerr�ovi��g the <br />l�v��a�doas eondition o;• oF demolishii�g the sa�n€:_ <br />�09.2 "Z'emporary saf�guarc�s. Notwit�standino other provi- <br />sions c�f ttli,s cot�e, whei�evcr, in the opininn of ttse code ofFc ial, <br />theie i,s i���,�xitze�it da�tgeE- due to at� t�itstzfe coadition, the code <br />n Ff cia] shatl order the necess�i€�y wc�rk ro 6e clane, �ncluding tlie <br />boardii�g irp of c��enings, [n re€ader sud} st���ctiire ten�para3�ity <br />safe wE�ether ot• t�ot c��e ]eg�il �rocediF��e herein desci-'sbed has <br />bee[� inscituted; and sl3al] cause s��ch z�ther acCion to be tz�ke�� as <br />ti�e code offci�il deerns necessaa•y to rr�eet such emergency, <br />1fl9.3 Glsssin� sf�`ects. When necessary Fc�r ���blic safery, ihe <br />code ol�cial s3l�ill tempc�rariiy ciose st�-uctures ai�d close, o: c�r- <br />derche authc��7ty IZai�inc jurisdictit�n toclose, sic�ewcttks, st�eets, <br />public w�tys and plzces �dj��ce��t to structuras, lrid pro- <br />liibi.t tl�e ssane Prt>m bei��g u€ilired. <br />1 D9.4 �izt�;r�ency repairs. l�or t��e purposes of this section; the <br />coc�e �fPic€al sh��ll �n�play the iiecsssary labor aF�d materials to <br />perforn� t1�e t•equirecl wo�-k as expeditiot�siy as pnssible. <br />It}9.5 Cctsfs o�' �z�aergency repairs. Cc�sts incu�red ia the per- <br />fannat�cc, of en�ergency wnrk shall be paicI by the jurisdic�ian. <br />The Ie�al cou�is�l i�i� thejurisdicEion sh�til institule appro�riate <br />aetio�[ ag�iilst tlze owi��r of the pren�ises where the unsafe <br />structcire is or was (ocatt�i #'qr the recovery nf such cos[s. <br />1U9.6 d3earin�;. Any l�erson ox'derec� to take emergency mea- <br />su�•es shali coinply uritl� suci� o.re3erfoi�ch�vith. Any affectedper- <br />snti 4hali thez•eafter, iEpoz� �aelitiQn directed tir the appells �oard, <br />be z�fford�d a]Zearit�g as tles�ribed in this cc�de. <br />�����Q� ��� <br />�]ENaC31�1Tld�N <br />�1�.A Gene�•al. The code of�icial 5ha11 order the own4�' of any <br />�remises ugon wllich is locatecl a�1y structtzre, which in tt�e code <br />oftieia!' is so o(ci, ciitapidated or h�s becaine so oi�t <br />2i3p3 JiJTEft�iAT€ONAL PF3GPERiY 1f�AINiENANC� GODE� <br />