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304.18.1 Doors. Doors providing access to a dwelling unit, <br />rooming unit or housakeepuig unit that is rented, leased or <br />let shall beequipped with � deadboltlockmeering specifica- <br />rions seC forth herein. Such deadbolt locks shall be operated <br />only by the turning of a�ob or a key and shall ha�e a lock <br />throwQfna�lessthan!-inch. ������purposeofthissecrion, <br />a sliding bolt shall not be considered an acceptable deadbolt <br />lock. Such dead�olt locks shall be installed according to <br />manufacturer's specilicationsandr�aintair�edingoodwork- <br />ingorder. All deadbalC locks rec�uiredby this seclion slial! be <br />� Ir �i j�,.'l"rl �r•sl nsy:i�l•= �' =i� 3� �:•f ti 7f!�°r= ���7 '..i 147 i:_' �•�•t•�'ec7��y <br />.1'�i::FJ� �t �I•S'. 4�7�'�:� Illl� II I:I�� It�:':I' I�,y iiair' :•- r..v�.�,C•kt+�'; M2•7 <br />unit without the use ��C a key, tool, combinarion thereof or <br />aery other special knowledge or effort. <br />304.18.2 Windows. Operable windows located in whole or <br />in pan within 6 feet (1828 mrn) �bav� ground level or a <br />walking surface below that provide access to a dwelling <br />unii, roomin g unit orhousekeepingunit rhat i s rented, leased <br />or let shall he equipped with awindow sashlocking devices. <br />304.18.3 Basement hatchways. Basement hatchways that <br />provide access to a dwelling unit. rooming unit or house- <br />keeping unit thai is rented, leased or let shall be equipped <br />with devices that secure the uqits from u�authorized entry. <br />SECTION 305 <br />i�IT����'I� STRUCTURE <br />305.1 General. The :,,'.. .-�� of a structure and equipment <br />therein shall be maintained in good repair, structurally sound <br />an�[in a sanitary condition_ Occu�ants sY�alt keep lhatpartofthe <br />structure which they occupy or control in a clean and sanitary <br />condirion. �very owner of a structure containing a rooming <br />house, houselcee�ing units, a hotel, a dormitory, two or more <br />dwellingunits ortwoormorenonresidenrialoccupancies, shall <br />maintain, in aclean and sanitary condirion, thesharedor public <br />areas of the stntetuze and exterior properry. <br />305.2 Structural members. All structural members shall be <br />maintained structurally sound, andbecapableof supporting the <br />imposed loads. <br />305.3 Interior surfaces. Al! interior surfaces, including win- <br />dows and doors, shalt be maintained in good, clean and sanitary <br />condirion. Peeling, chipping, flaking or abraded paint shall be <br />repaired, removed or covered. Cracked or loose plaster, de- <br />cayed wood and other defecrive surface condirions shall be cor- <br />rected. <br />.3i1�,4 SLal�e an�l �dlki u}. bu if�ii��_ i'.ven• �,I,r.� i;��.Y:t� I�i•7:lir_r. <br />� }' Yi�, �1CC�; �nk'�' !'f ;iT�J�; 1;�Y��� :._ i�Li' �i'�}} �m L�nrrr <br />euinac� in sound cc7?�di�£,� and good repair. <br />305.5 Handrails and guards. Every handrail and guard shall <br />befirmly fastened and capable of supportingnormallyimposed <br />loads and shalY be maintained in good condirion. <br />305.6 Interior doors. Every interior door shall fit reasonably <br />weIl w+i[f',ir� its frame and shall be capable of being opened and <br />closedby beingproperly and securely attachedto jarnbs, head- <br />ers or tracks as intended by the manufacturer ofi the attachment <br />hardware. <br />i'� <br />OEHcFFiil_ fiF.OUIR`Ey`��'F��J' - <br />-' --•'--'- •--..._ ii .... <br />i� <br />#"��7T�3}� �0�._ .. ... . . . _ . ..._. . <br />HikN�RAI�$ l�N� ��aFl a�! � . . .— . <br />�I}51 {;t•uCF�ha- L• •.a } L`a i�rinr �i_;I �rir -�r - Il' � �h� �•f c�;�irg h:iti - <br />.r•r r iUi r llw.•i I: r.�i t�;�•rk • tia II Ir�ti r�� 7:i��:•:.i' �:� �.:rt� �ir!_�,�,-:�,y <br />stair and every open porrion of a stair, landing, balcony, porch, <br />deck, ramp or o[�er walking surface which is more than 30 <br />inches (762 mrn) above the floor or grade b�low shall ha�e <br />guards. Handrails shaL[ not be less than 30 inches (762 mm) <br />high or inore than 42 inches (1067 rr�rra} high measuredverri- <br />cally above the nosingof the���d 4� above ��e ���shad �aor of <br />the lauding or walkiog sui�aces. Guards shall not be less than <br />30 inches (762 mm) high above the floor of the landing, bal- <br />cony, porch, deck, or ramp or other walking surface. <br />Exceprion: GE�ards shall not he required where exempted <br />by the adtr�ted building code. <br />SECTION 307 <br />RUBBISH AND GARBAGE <br />307.1 Accumularion oe rubbish or garbage. All exterior <br />�ro�erry and premises, and theintenor of every structure, shall <br />b0 fCcE �'GIii 3Ylj� 3G�L'ti.e�l3t�nn Of ri�}��T$�l OY g3Yb3g0. <br />307.2 Disposal of rubbish. Every occupant of astructure shall <br />dispose of all rubbishin a clean and sanitary rnanner by placing <br />such rubbish in approved containers. <br />307.2.1 Rubbish storagefaciliries. The owner of every oo- <br />cupied premises shall supply approved covered containers <br />for rubbish, and the owner af the premises shall be responsi- <br />ble for the removal of rubbish. <br />307.2.2 Refrigerators. Refrigerators and similar equip- <br />ment not in operarion shall not be discarded, abandoned or <br />stored on premises without firstremoving the doors. <br />307.3 Disposal ofgarbage. Every occupant ofa structure shall <br />dispose of garbage in a clean and aanii:ary manner by placing <br />such garbage in an approved garbage disposal facility or ap- <br />proved garbage containers. <br />307.3.1 Garbage faciliries. The owner of every dwelling <br />shall supply one of the following: an approved mechanical <br />�Q waste grinder in eachdwelling unit; an approved ii�cin� <br />erator unit in the structura availabl� to theoccupants in each <br />dwelling unit; or an approved leakproof, covered, outside <br />garbage container. <br />3�7.3.2 Containers. The operator of every establishment <br />producing garbage shall provide, and at all rimes cause to be <br />urilized, approved leakproof containers provided with <br />close-fitting covers for thestorageof such materials anEil re- <br />moved from the premises for disposal. <br />SECTION 308 <br />EXTERMINATION <br />308.1 Infestation. All structures shall be kept free from insect <br />and rodent inf�station. All structures in which insects or ITa <br />dents are found si�all be promptly exterminated by approved <br />processes that will not be injurious to human health. After ex- <br />terminarion, prbpe� precaurions shall be taken to preve�t <br />reinfesiatiota� <br />2003IIVIF,RNATiONAL PROPERTY MAI[�rIFNANCE CDp�� �� <br />� <br />