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� .�� _.� �. _ .. ,.--' <br />GENERAL REQUIREMENTS <br />�shall be removed, replaced ar changed in a manner that reduces <br />its effectiveness as a safety barrier. <br />SECTION 304 <br />EXTERIOR STRUCTURE <br />304.1 General. The exteriar of a structure shall be maintained <br />in good repair, structurally sound and sanitary so as not to pose <br />a threat to the public health, safety ar welfare. <br />304.2 Protective treatment. All exteriar surfaces, including <br />but not liinited to, doars, doar and window frames, carnices, <br />porches, trim, balconies, decks and fences shall be maintained <br />in goodcondition. Exteriarwood surfaces, other than decay-ce- <br />sistant woods, shall �e pratected �F�o4� the elements and decay <br />by painting or other protective covering ar treatment Peeling, <br />flaking and chipped paint shall be eliminated and surfaces re- <br />painted. .1l siding and masanry joints as well as those between <br />the building enveiope and the perimeter of windows, doars, and <br />skylights shal� be rt�aintained weather resistant ;�u,] water tight. <br />All metal surfaces su6�ect tarustarcorrosionshall he coated to <br />ir.frFm :,��_I• i � �t� ,i-:; ;:�mrx�ir� -.n�1 �1= ��r. r. -;� �i�� *�;;r n��•i*r- <br />��nr �li� I • �+�• ��rk�=��ri -r�i : n:i�s�:l -n �pii��; tl�,l:{"1��' •"••lL <br />corrosion. Oxidation stains shall be removed from exteriar sur- <br />faces. Surfaces designed far stabilization by o�dation are ex- <br />empt from this requirement. <br />(�'] 304.3 �emises identification. Buildings shall have ap- <br />proved address numbers placed 'm a position to he plainly legi- <br />ble and visible lrom the street or road fronting the property. <br />These nuli;i;��s shall contrast with their background. Address <br />nuinber� shall be Arabic i��imerals ar alphabet letters. N�tmbers <br />shall bea �ninim�n� of 4 inches (102 aiva) high with a minimum <br />stroke width of 0.5 inch (12.7 �r�n�). <br />304.4 Structural members. All struciura3 members shall be <br />maintained free from deteriaration, and sf�a1€ be capable of <br />safely supporting the imposed dead and live loads. <br />3045 Foundation �valis. All loundation walls shall be main- <br />tained plumb and free fron� open cracks and breaks and shall b e <br />kent in sucl� condition so tie lo �reveat the entrv of rodents and <br />other pests. <br />304.6 Exterior walls. All exteriar walls shall be free from <br />holes, breaks, and loose or rotting materials: and maintained <br />weatherproof and properly surface coated where required to <br />prevent deteriaration. <br />304.7 Roofs and drainage. The roof and flashing shall be <br />sound, tight and not have defects that admit rain. Roof drainage <br />shall be adequate to prevent dampness ar deteriaration in the <br />walls ar interiar portion of the structure. Roof drains, gutters <br />and �w�•,ti,i:,; •���;� shall be maintained in good repair and free <br />�roin o'�.�hu�:tions. ktoufwater shall not be discharged in a man- <br />ner that creates a public nuisance. <br />304.8 Decarative features. All cornices, l�elE courses, carbels, <br />terra catta trim, wall facings and similar decarative features <br />shall be maintained in good repair with proper ancharage and <br />in a safe condition. <br />304.9 Overhang extensions. All overhang extensions includ- <br />ing, but 7�rT limited to canopies, marquees, signs, �neCal awn- <br />ings, lire escapes, standpipes and exliaust ducts shall be <br />maintained in good repair and be properly anchared so as to be <br />kept in a sound condition. When rec��ired, all exposed surfaces <br />of inetal ar wood shall be protected from the elements and <br />against decay or rusE by periodic application of weat�ex-Cp�i- <br />ing materials, such as paint ar similar surface treatment. <br />304.10 Stairways, decks,parchesandbalcnnies.Everyexte- <br />riar stairway, deck, parch and balcony, and � appurtenances <br />attached theretn, shall be maintained structurally sound, in <br />good repair, with proper ancharage and capable of supporting <br />the imposed loads. <br />304.11 Chi►t�ueysandtowers. ALlchimnevs, coolinstowers. <br />smoke stacks, and similar appurtenances shall be maintained <br />stnictural}y safe and sound, and in good repair. ,tl] exposed sur- <br />faces ofinet�i ar woodshallbeprolected from theeiements and <br />against decay or rust by periodic application of wcat€�er-coac- <br />ing materials, such as paint or similar surface treatment. <br />3d412 Handrails and guards. Every har�draii and guard shall <br />be firmly fastened and capable of supparting nc�rma#1y imposed <br />loads and shall be maintained in good condition. <br />304.13 Window, skylight and door frames. Every window, <br />sn�lig�t, doar and frame s1�a[lbe kept in sound condition, good <br />repair and weathectight. <br />304131 Glazing. All glazing materials shall be maintained <br />free f'ro�n cracks and holes. <br />304.13.2 bpenabEe windows. Every window, other than a <br />fixed window, shall be easily o�enabie and capable of being <br />held in position by window hardware. <br />304.14 Insect screens. During the period fram [DATE] to <br />[DATE], every door, window and other outside opening required <br />far ventilation of habitable rooms, food preparation areas, food <br />sefviee areas ar any areas where products to be included ar uti- <br />lized in f w d for human consumption �,� processed, manufac- <br />tured, packaged ar stared, shall be supplied with approved <br />tightly fitting screens of not less than t6 mesh per inch (16 <br />mesh per 25 mm) and every swinging doar shalI have a self <br />closing device in good warking condition. <br />Exception: Screens shail not be required where other ap- � <br />proved means, such as air curtains ar insect repellent fans, <br />me employed. <br />304.15 Doars. All exteriar doars, doar assemblies and hard- <br />ware shall be maintained in �-.atii� condition. Locks at all en- <br />trances to dwelling units, rooking units and guesh'aoms shall <br />tightly secure the doar. Locks on means of e�ress doars shall be <br />in-accordance with Section 702.3. <br />3�4.16Base�nen�hatchways. Every basement hatchway shall <br />be maintained ro prevent the entrance of rodents, rain and sur- <br />face drainage water_ <br />304.17 Guards far basement windows. Every basement win- <br />dow that is openabfe shall be supplied with rodent shields, <br />storm windows or other approved protection against the entry <br />of rodents. <br />304.18 �uilding security. Doars, windows ar hatchways far <br />dwelling units, room units or housekeeping units shall be pro- <br />vided with devices designed to provide security far the 6���_ <br />panls and property within. <br />7i' 2003 INTERNATIONALPROPERTY MAINTENANCE CO�E� <br />� <br />