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`�_'- _ --- _ ... . . . . <br />� LIGHT, VENTILATION AND OCCUPANCY LIMITATIONS <br />� <br />than 3 feet (914 mm) between connterfronts and appliances ar <br />counterfronts and walls. <br />404.3 Minimum ceiling heights. Habitable spaces, hallways, <br />corridars, laundry areas, bathrooms, toiletrooms and habitable <br />basement areas shall have a cieat ceiling height of not less than <br />7 feet (2134 �nm). <br />Exceptions: <br />1. In one- and two-family dwellings, beams ar girders <br />spaced not less than 4 feet (1219 mm) o�l center and <br />projecting not more than 6 inches ( I52 mm) below ilte <br />required ceiling height. <br />2. Basement rooms in one- and two-family dwellings <br />occupied exclusively for laundry, study or recreation <br />purposes, having a ceiling beigbt of not less than 6 <br />feet 8 inches (2033 mm) with not less than 6 feet 4 <br />inches (1932 mrnj of clear height under beams, gird- <br />ers, ducts and si;nilar obstructions. <br />3. Rooms occupied exclusively far sleeping, study ar <br />similar purposes and having a sloped ceiling over all <br />nr part of the room, with a clear ceiling height of at <br />least 7 feet (2134 rrem) over not less than one-third of <br />the required minimum floar area. In calculating the <br />floar area of such rooms, only those portions of the <br />floar area with a clear ceiling height of 5 feet (1524 <br />mm} or mare shall be included. <br />4L�4.4 Bedroom cequir�;?�e��s„ Every bedroom shall comply <br />with the requirements of Sections 404.4.1 through �04.4.5. <br />404.4.1 Area for sleeping purposes. �ve�•y bedroom occu- <br />pied by one person shall contain at least 70 square Feet (6.5 <br />��) of floorarea, and every bedroom occupied by mare than <br />one person shall contain at icas[ 5 0�uara feet (4.6 m�� of <br />floar area for each occupant thereof. <br />404.4.2 Access from bedrooms. Bedrooms shall not con- <br />stitute the only means of access to other hedrooms or habit- <br />able spaces and shall not serve as the only means of egress <br />from other habitable spaces. <br />Exception: Units that contain fewer than two bedrooms. <br />404.4.3 Water closet accessibility. Every bedroom shall <br />have access to at least one water closet and one lavatory <br />without passing through another bedroom. Every bedroom <br />in a dwelling unit shalt have access to at least one water <br />closet and lavatory located in the samestory as the bedroom <br />or an adjacent story. <br />404.4.4 Prohibited occupancy. Kitchens and nonhabitable <br />spaces shall not be used far sleeping purposes. <br />404.4.5 Other requirements_ Bedrooms shall comply with <br />the applicable provisions of this code including, but nof lizzt- <br />ited to, the light, ventilation, room a*ea, ceiling height and <br />room width requirements of this chapter; the plumbing fa- <br />cilities and waEer-heatingfacilities requirements of Chapter <br />5; the heating fa�ililies and electrical receptacle require- <br />ments of Chapter 6; and the smoke detectar and emergency <br />escape requirements of Chapter 7. <br />404.5 Overcrnr��ding. Dwelling units shall not be occupied by <br />mare occupants than permitted by the minimum atea require- <br />ments of Table 444_5. <br />it <br />� <br />�., <br />TABLE 404.5 <br />MINIMUM AREA REQUIREMENTS _ <br />MINIMUM AREA ]N SQUARE FEET <br />� T � s or more <br />....��.�...� <br />SPACE � 1-2 qaaupants 3�5 occu�ant �, occu ants � <br />_�... , � ... <br />Living i.�a���-ti ' No reqE�u•emenis � 120 ' 150 <br />I]i��i�groam'.�'-Noreguireme:ts; 80 ' � <br />Bedrooms Shsfll <br />J 4l'1tI1 SeGtiOR �A <br />I'�.� 51: i square font = 0.093 mZ. <br />�, SceSectivn404.5.?��3rcon'�binedlivingroomldiningroonispaces_ <br />b. See Secti on 40a.5- �€or li mi Wtionson determitring the ��iii�••:ii i. �� . ii k� :: r <br />area fn€ sleeping purpases. <br />404.5.1 Sleeping area. The minimt��t occupancy area re- <br />quired by Table 4Q4.5 shall not be inclucied as a sleeping <br />area �n determining the ta�[nirnumoccupancy area iar sleep- <br />ing purposes. All sleeping areas shall comply with Section <br />404.4. <br />4�4.5.2 Combined spaces. Combined living room and din- <br />ing room spaces shall comply with t;�v.�e�uirements of Ta- <br />ble 404.5 if the total area is equal to that required for <br />separaterooms and if the sp�tce is located so as to function as <br />a combination living roomldining room. <br />404.6 Efficiency unit Nothing inthis section shall prohibitan <br />eff'�czencyliving unitfrom meeting thefollowingrequirements: <br />1. A unit occupied by not mare C�aatt two occu�ants stiai� <br />have a clear floor area of not less than 220 square feet <br />(2(i.�- �nz). A unit occupied �y three occupants shall have <br />a clear floar area p� not less than 320 square feet (29.7 <br />m2}, These required areas shall be exclusive of the are�s <br />required by �te�as 2 and 3. <br />2. The unit shall be provided with a kitchen sink, cooking <br />appliance and refrigeration facilities, each having a clear <br />warking space of not less than 30 inches (762 mm} in <br />front. Light and ventilation conforming to this code shall <br />be provided. <br />3_ The unit shall he provided with a separate bathrc�om can- <br />taining a water closet, lavatory and bathtub or shower. <br />4. The maximum n��mber of occupants shall be three. <br />404.7 Food preparation. All spaces to be occupied for food <br />preparation purposes shall contain suitable space and equip- <br />ment to stare, prepare and serve foods in a sanitary manner. <br />There shall be adequate facilities and services for the sanitary <br />disposal of food wastes and refuse, including facilities far tem- <br />parary starage. <br />2003 INTERNATIONAL FflOP�RTY MAINTENANCE CODE@ <br />� <br />