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CHAPTER 5 <br />PLUMBING FACILITIES AND <br />FIXTURE REQUIREMENTS <br />SECTION 501 <br />GENERAL <br />501.1 Scope. The provisions of this chapter shall govern the <br />ininiinuin pluinbing systeins, facilities and pluinbing fixtures <br />to be provided. <br />501.2 Res�rvnsihility. The owner of the structare shall provide <br />and inaintain such pluinbing facilities and pluinbing fixtares in <br />coinpliance with these requireinents. A person shallnotoccupy <br />as owner-occupant or pennit another person to occupy any <br />structare or prenuses which does not coinply with the requ�r�- <br />inents of this chapter. <br />�P� SECTION 502 <br />REQUIRED FACILITIES <br />502.1 Dwelling uuiTs. Every dwelling unit shall contain its <br />own bathtub or shower, lavatory, water closet and kitchen sink <br />which shalI b� maintained in a sanitary, safe workingcondition. <br />The lavatory shall be placed in the saine rot>m as the water <br />cioset or located in close proxiinity to the door leading directly <br />into the rooin in which such water closet is located. A kitchen <br />sink shall not be u�ed as a substitute for the required lavatory. <br />502.2Rooininghouses. Atleastone watercloset, lavatoryand <br />bathtub or shower shall be supplied for each four rooining <br />units. <br />502.3Hotels. Where private waterclosets, lavatories and baths <br />are not provided one water closet, one lavatory and one bathtub <br />or shower having access froin a public hallway shall he pro- <br />vided for each ten occupant��. <br />502.4 Einployees' facilities. A ininiinuin of one water closet, <br />one lavatory and one drinking facility shall be available to ein- <br />ployees. <br />502.4.1 Drinking facilities. Drinking facilities shall he a <br />drinking founcain, water cooler,bottled watercooler or dis- <br />posable cups next to a sink or water dispenser. Drinking fa- <br />cilities shall not be located in toilet rooins or bathrooins. <br />[P� SECTION 503 <br />TOILET ROOMS <br />503.1 Privacy. Toilet rooins and bathrooins shall provide pri- <br />vacy and shall not constitute the only passageway to a I�;11 or <br />other space, or to L� exterior. A door and interiorlocking de- <br />vice shall be provided for all coiTUnon or shared bathrooms and <br />toilet rooins in a inultiple dwelling. <br />503.2 Location. Toilet rooms and bathrooms serving hotel <br />1 units, rooining units or donnitory units or housekeeping units, <br />shall haveaccess by traversing not more Ihan one flight of stairs <br />and shall havc access froin a coimnon hall or passageway. <br />503.3 Location of einployee toilet facilities. Toilet facilities <br />shall have access froin within the einployees' warking area. <br />The required toilet facilities shall be located not inore than one <br />story above or below the einployees' working area anc� tl�e patl� <br />of travel to such facilities shall not exceed adistanceof 500 feet <br />(152 rn)_ Einployee fac.ilities shal[ either be separate facilities <br />or coinbined einployee and public facilities. <br />Exception: Facilities that are required for einployees in <br />storage structures ar kiosks, which are located 'm ad,jac�nt <br />�1�11L:4= _3 'JI1:I�: I: �� : .:r r• ;ra•ir_•i � !�'I.'. IL'�:}': S!� L'�5�'il r.'I. KI-1: <br />=a r e�tet.l a�.r�i ��= I J_s���-_ � d.SU!= I r�L �. I.i_' r� i 1-s�ni Ih_ t�r. <br />ployees' regular working area to the facilities. <br />503.4 Flsrt�r surface. In other than dwelling units, every toilet <br />rooin floor shall be inaintained to be a sinooth, hard, <br />nonabsorbent surface to pennit such floor to be easily kept in a <br />clean and sanitary condition. <br />[P] SECTION 504 <br />PLUMBING SYSTEMS �i�!i �1X7'UR�S <br />504.1 General. All n�tfmbin� fixtu�;:;: �;=a11 be i�roperi� In- <br />stalled and mai€ttainec� in working order, and shall be kept free <br />froin obstructions. leaks and defects and be caoable of per- <br />fonning the function for which such pluinbing fixtares are de- <br />signed. All pluinbing fixtures shall he inaintained in a safe, <br />sanitary and functional condition. <br />504.2 Fixture clearances. Pluinbing fixtures shall have ade- <br />quate cicacances for usage and cleaning. <br />504.3 �I�bing systein hazards. Where it is found that a <br />pluinbing systern in astructureconstitutes a hazard to t�e oceu- <br />pants or i��e structure by reason of inadequate service, inade- <br />quate venting, cross connection, 6acitsiphonage> iinproper <br />-�r,l•�I: �lax�. SIrr.Tr.:: ��'a•i� sa �•rrir � ::r'.t�r:a;rxi�r rrrstu�. ,'z <br />::i �:;:- ;�=r-i:_i •;h:.l I rt�p_in• I! u� �I��i rr�t u i h�� s::i-�r�ed ai t•Irr.v <br />nate !he hazard <br />SECTION 505 <br />WATER SYSTEM <br />505.1 General. Every sink, lavatory bathtub or shower, drink- <br />inv fountain. water closet or other ,�Iu�i�ing fixture shall be <br />k'�t'I��; connected to eithera E�ii'.�li� wac�rsystemarto an ap- <br />proved private water systein. All kitchen sinks, lavatories, <br />laundry facilities, bathtubs and showers shall be supplied with <br />hot or teinpered and cold running water in accordance with the <br />Intet-rzationa.l Plumbing Code. <br />[1'� 505.2 Containination. The water supply shall be �ain- <br />tain�d free froin containination, and all water inlets for pluinb- <br />ing fixtares shall be located above the flood-level riin of the <br />fixture. Shampoo basin faucets, janitor sink faucets and oLh�r <br />2003 INTERNATIONAL PROPERTY MAINTENANCE C4b�� I S <br />� <br />.. <br />� <br />. .. ! <br />