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CHAPTER � <br />MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL REQUIREMENTS <br />SECTION 601 <br />GENERAL <br />601.1 Scope. The provisions of this chapter shall govern the <br />minimum mechanical and electrical faciliries and equipment to <br />be provided. <br />601.2 Responsibiliry. The owner of the structure shall provide <br />and maintain mechanical and electrical faciliries and equip- <br />ment incompliance with these requirements. A person shall not <br />occupy as owner-accupant or permit another perso�z to occupy <br />any premises which does not comply with the requirements of <br />this chapter. <br />SECTION 602 <br />;-!�^-�int� �e����'rtEY <br />602.1 Faciliries required. Hearing faciliries shall be provided <br />in structures as required by this secrion. <br />602.2 Residential occupancies. Dwellings shall be provtded <br />with heatit�� facilities c�pable of maintaining aroom tempera- <br />� Nreof 68°� (^�°C} inallhabitable roon,c, h.��hrnprns and toilet <br />rooms ba.�e� or the winter outdoor design temperature for the <br />localiry indicatedinAppendix D of the,�nter'rtatiorzal Plumbing <br />Code. Cooking appliances shall not be used to provide space <br />heating to meet the requirements of this secrion. <br />� Exceprion: In areas where the average monthly temperature <br />is above 30°F (-1°�), a minimum temperature of 65°F <br />(18°C) shall be maintained. <br />602.3 Heat supply. Every owner and operator of any building <br />who rents, leases or lets one or more dwelling unit, roor[iing <br />irr4-ls*r�e-ur-�r:r i�-irsl-��ri+.�i l_;ri{,ri�l=r�aist��J t�i rr- <br />pli���, I�i ��rni�h ���,a la� LI;�� ��_ �e;:lv�s I�i�rsif �.�,il I s'aLx�;'_� F�L <br />rL`-irtr_� Ifien�r,rl m*n �far, I F.� tn t'7Vt'.�:j -n �ir.ITrtr:i Inrj:�-•. <br />rn� rfr.� i�sq���+��=k i:�Y'['7 ir_:,I� h�hir.�hlr. m�+-rr.l�,i.l:• <br />rooms, and toilet rooms. <br />Exceptions: <br />1. When the outdoor temperature is below the winter <br />outdoor design temperature for the ioeaIi�y, mainte- <br />nance of the minimum roam tem�erature shall not be <br />7����.Sj �x•�;irlr�i :h,ir �F.F h.Tl-r_w zy�l��u i� �:E�!'I JLII:L' <br />7[ :?�5 �,1:1 1rs•�� : -�irir; I'hF �.sir.lre ;a ydixir � Ir�•i�u <br />temperature for the localiry shall be as indicated in <br />Appendix D of the,�nterrrational Pluvnbi�ag Code. <br />2. In areas where the a�erage monthly temperature is <br />above 30°F (-l°C} a minimum temperature of 65°F <br />(18°C) shall be maintained. <br />� I:� l_ i to [i �{. �.Ts�ri�i�r�� resr.�rr�rr� �i'�:oclr�a �, 6.y=f� <br />���+'���ilitl7�` [fiiC+�S���.��� ��� �i,�� ��� ��:,:Ur;����. <br />Exceptions: <br />I. Processing, storage and operarion areas that require <br />cooling or special temperature condirions. <br />2. Areas in which persons are pritnaYZly engaged in vig- <br />orous physical acriviries. <br />602.5 Room tem�crature measurement. The required room <br />temperatures shall be rneasu;ed 3 feei (914 �nrn} �bp�re ehe floor <br />near the center of the room and 2 feet (610 mnx� inward from <br />the center of each exterior wall. <br />SECTION 603 <br />MECHANICAL EQUIPMENT <br />603.1 Mechanical appliances. (�l� mechanical appliances, <br />fireplaces, solid fuel-burning appliances, cooking appliances <br />and water hearing appliances shall be properly installed and <br />znaintained in a�Cs wartcing condirion, and shall becapable of <br />performing the intended €�r�ctia�z. <br />603.2 Removal of combuslion products. All fuel-burning <br />equipment and ap�siiances shall be connected to an approved <br />chimney or vent <br />Exceprion: Fuel-burning equipment and appliances which <br />are labeled for unvented operarion. <br />603.3 Clearances. All required clearances to combusrible ma- <br />terials shall be maintained. <br />603.4 Safery controls. A!! safety controls far fuel-burning <br />equipment shall be maintained in effecrive operarion. <br />603.5 Combustion air. A supply of air for complete combus- <br />tion of the fuel and for ventilation of the space containit�g the <br />fuel-burning equipment shall be provided for the f�el-bqmin g <br />equipment. <br />603.6 Energy conservarion devices. Devices intended to re- <br />duce fuel consumprion by attachment to a fuel-burning appli- <br />ance, 4�+ the fuel supply line thereto, or to the vent outlet or vent <br />�i�irzg t3�E�reE'run�, shall not be installed unless labeled for suc�Z <br />purpose and the installarion is specifically approved. <br />SECTION 604 <br />ELECTRICAL FACILITIES <br />604.1 Faciliries required. Every occupied building shall be <br />provided with an eler,kr�cal system in compliance with the ro- <br />quirements of this section and Section 605. <br />602.4 Occupiable work spaces. Indoor occupiabte work ���„ �rrV�rF, �:��:~ �i r r• }n�� ��,,i�,: n��:� ap�•:�mc�s,��;i ~.-�,���i iit�a ii <br />spaces shall he supplied with heat during the period from �h�l� �t«� a� � b�€�s ior dr[�rrruning �hv flt�d� faQ adrl iriona3?a- <br />� <br />2003 INTERNATIONAL PROPERTY MAINTENANCE C4���7 ff <br />�•. <br />