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E <br />� <br />state law in determinin� whether or not to issue an off sale license for a particular <br />premises, the City Gouneil s1�a11 consic�er all relevant factors relati��g to the healih, <br />safety and wel�are of t�se ciiizens of �hc city such as, but not limited ta, effcct on <br />znarket va�ue of neighboring �rnperties, praximity to churehes and se�ools and effect <br />on traffic and parking. <br />�elivery oiAlcoholic Severages; Identificatiota Rec�uired: A persort authorized to <br />serve, sell, ar deIiver alcal�alic bevez-a�;es �nust determine through Iegitimate proaf o� <br />identificatia� tha.t ali deliveries o�wine, beer, a�d alcaholic beverages are accepted <br />o�ly by eIi�ible �ersons whn are twer�ty one {2�) years c�f age or aider. <br />Delivery Records: Upon any d�livery o�aleoholic beverages offthe Iic�nsed <br />premises, tk�e selle�, purchaser, and delivery recipient (if othcr t�an the purchaser) <br />must sign an itenaized �urchase invoiee. The invoice shall detail the tirne, date, and <br />place of delivery. The licensee must retain t�e delivery records for a period oiane <br />year. The records shall be o�en tp inspectio�a by any �olice of�cer or other <br />designated oFficer or employee of th� cr�y at any time. (Ord. 1243, 11-27-20�0} <br />302.14: PRQHIB�TED CONDUCT: <br />A. Palicy: Certain acts or conducti on prernises licensed pursuant to this chapter or <br />lieensed pursuant io Minr�esota statutes, chapter 340A, are deerned eontrary to public <br />�vel�are and are prohibited and no license issued p�rsuan� to this chapter or licensed <br />pursuanfi to Minneso�a statutes, c�apter 340A, ir�ay be heid or maintained where such <br />aets or canduct is permitted. {Ord. SO8, 1 I-21-1977) <br />B. Prohibited Conduct: The prohibited acts ar co�d�ci refer-red to in subsection A of <br />this section are: <br />�. Tk�e ez�nploying or use of any persan in the saI� or service af beverages in or upon <br />the �icer�sed preznis�s vvhere such person is unclot�ed or in sucl� attire, costume or <br />clothing as io expose to view any poztian o�the female breast below �he �op of the <br />areola or any portion of t�e pubic hair, anus, cleft o��he bu�tocks, vu�va or genitals. <br />2. The empioying or use of the services of any �ost or hastess while suc� hast or <br />k�ostess is u�clat�ed or i� sueh at�ire, costume ar clothi�g as described in subsectinn <br />B1 of this sectian. <br />.... 3. The e�coura�i� �r.�e�ittirg ofar�y:�� on th� licens�d��reznise� �o tou�h, . :... <br />-� caress or �ondle� t�e breasts, buttocks, anus o'r �ienitals of any ot�er person: � •� <br />�� �. T�e per�aiiti�ag of ariy enciployee or person�to wear or use any device or covering � �� � <br />exposec� to view which sim�lates �he breast, genitals, anus, pubic hair or any poriinn <br />t�ereof. <br />5. The �ermitting of any per�on to perforr� acts of or aets wl�ieh simula�e: <br />a. With or upon another person, sexual intercourse, sodomy, oral capulation, <br />�agellatian or any sexual acts which are prahibited by law. ', <br />b. Mas�urbation or bestiality. <br />c. With or upon another person tk�e tauchir�g, caressing or fondling of th� <br />buttacks, anus, genitals or female breast. <br />d. The displayin�; of tl�e pubic �air, anus, vulva, genitals ar fe�nale �reasis below <br />tl�e top of tl�e areola. <br />�' 6. Tl�e permititing o��any person io use�arti£'icial devices or ir�anirnate ot�jects to �' ��� <br />de�ict any of the prohibited activities descz-ibed izz subsections BSa throug� B5d of <br />tl�is section. <br />7. T�e permitting of any person to remain in ar upon the licensed pre��nzses w�ao <br />expos�s to public view any por�ion a�his ar her ge��itals or anus, <br />8. The pern7itting or sl�owing of �l�n, sti11 pictures, electronic re�roductions or other <br />reproductions depicting: <br />