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a. Acts or simulated acts af sexuai intearcourse, masturbation, sodomy, bes�iality, <br />oral copulation, flagellation or an� sexual acts w��cl� are prak�ibited by law. <br />b. Any persnn being touched, earessed or fozzdled on the l�reast, buttocks, anus ar <br />�enitals. <br />e. Scenes wherein a per�on displays t�e vulva, or the a�us or the genitals. <br />d. Scenes wherein artificial devices or inanii��ate objects are e�nploy�d to depiei, <br />or drawin�s are e��nployed ta portray, any of tl�e activii:ies described in sul�sections <br />B1 through B7 of this section. <br />C. Revoeation ofLice�se: Any license issued pursuant to This chapter, licensed purst�ant <br />to Mxz�nesota stat�tes, chapYer 340A, shaIl b� reva�ed if any o£the acts of co�d�ct <br />deseribed i� this sectio� occur on the iicensed premises. (Ord. 808, 11-21-1977; <br />ariad. 1995 Code} <br />302.15: C�ViL PENAL'T�: <br />A. Penal�y Far Noncompliance: In adc�iiion to any crimina� penalties which may be <br />irriposed by a court of law, t.he City Caur�cil rnay suspend a license for up tn sixty <br />(60) days, may revoke a license and/or znay iinpose a civil fine on a licensee not to <br />exc��d two �ho�sand dollars ($2,000.00) far each viola�ion on a finding that the <br />�ic�nse holder ar i�s emplayee �as failed io co�a�ply witk� a statute, rule or ardinance <br />relating ta aleohalic bevera�es, nani�ztoxicating �nalt l�quor or wine. <br />B. Mi�ai�xau�a Penalty: The pur�ase of this section is to establish a standard by which the <br />City Council detern�ines tl�e �engtl� o� license suspensia�:s a�d the propriety n� <br />revocatzons, az�d shall ap�ly to a1I premises licensed unc�er thzs chapter. These <br />�enalties are presumed to be appro�riate £or eveary case; however, tl�e cauncil rnay <br />deviate in an individual case where the council �r►ds t�a� there exzst substantial <br />z-easons inaking it tnare.appropriate to devzate, s�ch as, but nat liz�aited to, a lice��see's <br />efforts in combinatian with t�e state or ci�y to prevent tl�e sale of alcohnl to minoz-s <br />or, in the converse, rn�hert a�icensee has a history of repeated violaiions of siate r�r <br />locat liquor laws. When deviati��g fro�na these standards, t�e co�uncil will provide <br />written �z�dix�gs tl�at s��port the penalty selected. ' <br />T1�e fallowi�g violations are presumed �o require revocatzon of t�e lice�se�e �rst <br />. , . <br />. - : , . : violation: , . , _ . . <br />.. Comza,ission of a f�lon� Xelated to the licensed activity. .: � <br />� �� Sale of alcoholic bevera�;es whil� �icer�se is under s�s�ensian. � �� <br />Sale of in�oxicating liaucsr where ortly license is for 3.2 �ercen� malt Iiquor. <br />Other violations, incl�ding t�e �i�llowi�g s�all have a pr�sumeti penalt� as indicated <br />below: <br />Sa�e o� alco�olic beverages io uzaderage persons. <br />�ale of alco�olic bevera�es to abvio�sly intnxicated persan. <br />A�ter �ouxs sale/display/consumption o�alcaholic beverage. <br />�llegal gaznb�ing on prernises. <br />Failure �o take �easonable steps to stap person froir� leavin�; pre�aises wi�� <br />alcohplic �everages (on-sale allawir�g off sale). <br />1. Far on-sale license holders who pa�ticipat� iri optior�al ax�anager arzd server traiz�ing <br />and pxove the persaan who sald or served alcohol had received ciiy approved alcol�ol <br />beverage server training wit�in the previous year: <br />a. Fpr a�rst violatic�n, tlae �icense holder will be given a wa��in� letter. <br />b. For a second violatio�� in thirty-six {3b) moi�t�s, �he �nandatory �nini�nutn <br />penalty shall be a�ve hundred doliar (�500.00} �ne and a ane day suspension. <br />c. For a tl�ird violation in �hir�y-six (36) �nonths, the �nandatory mini�num penalty <br />