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C��y Cdunci� Study Session — 01/23/06 <br />DRA.FT Mi�utes - Page 2 <br />on �heir re-eleciion, and Councilmembear Pust an her <br />e�ection �o the Rose�iile City Council; and thanked �hem <br />for the�r w�llingness to give �heir �ime in service to the <br />com�nunity. <br />D�, Thein collectively and individua�ly �hanked the City's <br />sta�'�' f:rnm a�� departments �o�r ihezr autstanding service, and <br />the outstanding cooperation between the City and School <br />Dist�ict. Dr. Thein expressed pride in Ci�y sta�f; their <br />exper�i�e; honcs�y; cooperation; and sharing o� various <br />programs and iacilities. <br />Dr. The�n concluded by thanking fihe City Couneil �ar �heir <br />oversight a� that coaperative and successful relationship. <br />Cou�cz��nember Maschka thanked Dr. Thein for his <br />commen�s; and r�quested time �n the near fi�.ture �or a joint <br />meeting between the Sehool Board and City Council to <br />discuss areas o£ inierest to both parties. <br />Dr. Thein advised he wou�d schedule a meet�ng with sta�f <br />io facilitate incli�v'rdual board agendas and schedules; and <br />ncated several areas oi interes�, including the cabie company <br />building lease expiration in August 20Q8 and �he Schoo� <br />Boards in�erest in that property, along with the City. Dr. <br />Thein p�aposed that City Managers from other <br />eommunitie� ge� �ogether �o determine a meeting format <br />and areas of interesi. <br />Counciimemb�r Kough ques�ioned Dr. Thein on the <br />immediate fiztuar� of the Fa�xview Community Center. <br />Dr. Thezn adv�sed that �he Dis�rict had no plans for resale <br />of the facility and noted i�'s impo�ance �n the eommunity. <br />Dr. Thein noted that pxogramming at the fac�li�y was being <br />maintained as much as possible; noted the substantial <br />heating xequirements; and for at l�asi th� n�x� two years, <br />there were no plann�d changes ai the �acilzty. <br />Mayo� K�ausing concurred with Dr. Thein's comments <br />praising Ci�y staf�; opining tha� "they make i� woxk." <br />