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City Cauncil Study SessYOn — 01/2310G <br />DRAFT Mfnates - Page 7.2 <br />Co�zamunxcations Commission (FCC). <br />Mr. Mil�er advis�d that, while many changes were be�ng <br />observed, the most signif�eant �or the City of Roseville and <br />o�her �ocal governznen�s, was the de�nition of `cable <br />�e�evision,' wi�h the inc�usion o�' traditianal ie�ephone service <br />providears becoming cable t�levisian se�r�vic� provid�rs. Mr. <br />M���er na�ed iha�, there was sign�fzcan� lobbying by these <br />new market entrzes to preserve th�ir buszness cla�sification as <br />a�elephone company, �he�reby keeping them exempt fram <br />most �oca� franchising requiremen�s, and implications to <br />traditional cable companies payi�g franchise �ees and <br />compeiitive dzsadvantages. <br />Mr. Miller advised that several poieniial impacts were <br />possible. 1) Federal and state �egislatian requxx�ng a�� cable <br />television providers io be subject to local franchising <br />�equirements (i.e., Comcast and other potential paroviders <br />such as Qwcst wou�d pay franchzse fees to local <br />goveznments), wi�h th� City captur�ng higher revenue to <br />support communication iunctions. 2) Or, franehzse authority <br />could dxsappear al�ogether, as a means to keep the playXng <br />f eld l�vel, with the City po�entiaily Iosing all franchising <br />revenues, cu�ently amounting to $2I5,000 annually. Mr. <br />Miller advzsed that, under th�s scena��o, this would not on�y <br />impact the Ci�y's communication func�ion, but possibly the <br />City's ability to require �ocal cable providers to provide <br />public, educatzona� and government access to subscribers, as <br />well as �utur� access to the Ins�itut�onal network (�-Net}. <br />Mr. 1Vlilier advised that the�e weare <br />governmen� pro%ssional associa�ions <br />the interest a� cities in this matter <br />national leve�. <br />a numb�r o� �ocal <br />activ��y representing <br />on a state-wide and <br />Councilrnembe� Kough, as �he City's representatxve to the <br />Cable Commiss�on, advised that Executive Dixector Cor <br />Wilson would be coming be�ore the City Council in th� near <br />£uture %r an upd�te on this and other is�ues. <br />Ci�y Manager Beets noted �hat, on a practical matter, when <br />