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Step 3: Community input <br />The Council makes an "open call" to residents during televised coua�cil rsleeting to comment on <br />ciztical issues and/or identify resu]ts they wou�d like to see in the czty. Staff assist in setting up <br />websate and "chat"Icarz�me�t section far residents. The framework for these coznments will be <br />consistent with tl�e issues in the "bac�gza�nd" briefing falder developed in Step One. <br />Step 4: Second Se�sion <br />Consultant will conduct the second session an "Team-Building" <br />Draft agenda includes: <br />= Qverview of the inst�-uments <br />� Sharing by merslbers af their scoring on the instruments and thei.r z'eactions [o how they <br />scored <br />• Exercises that dernonstrate how the different learning styles can be addressed during th� <br />process oF identifying new issues, getting equitable familiarity and understanding of the <br />issue, and haw conflict impacts on team performance <br />• Overview of classic rnodel of team development and how teams work <br />• Councii develops protocol for dealing with conflict withi� the team ancl ways ta ens�re <br />that each person assumes responsibilities �or othei°s being ahle [o be heard and incIuded in <br />the work and decis�ons of the teanr� <br />• Reflec[ions on the "Team-Buildzng" sessian and its effectiveness <br />• Agreed upan summary that can be discuss�d during regular Council meeting to keep <br />citizens reasonably informed about the wark and the benefit it is having <br />• Check-in about progress on gathering inforrnatiozz �rom constituents in preparation for the <br />ihird session on "Strategic Goal-Setting" — reminder to cantinue callectir�g in%rmation <br />S�ep 5: Comm�nity Inpu# <br />Council repeats "open cail" to residents to commenc on critical issues and/or identify results they <br />would like Eo see and gives update an number of corrtrnents already received. Staf� assist in <br />rr�onitorin� the website and "chat"/comment section and begins ta put ctata into "themes". <br />Step 6: Summary of Comm�anity Input <br />Consultant and City Manager (wi�h support from key departmeni heads) collect information from <br />"open call" process and pre�are it fnar review by Cauneil member� in advance of t�ird session on <br />"Strategic Gt�ai-Setting and Planning" <br />S#ep 7. Third Session <br />Consultant will conduct thirci sessian on "Strategic Goal-Setting". The length o� this session will <br />be fo�r hou:rs, whil� the first two sessions will be three hours each. <br />Draft agenda includes: <br />• Brief sumrnary and "State of the City" report hy Ciry Manag�r andlor Mayar <br />• Sum�aiy of "open call" input hy consultant <br />• Sharing of fe�dback/infarmation each Council mernber gather�d during his/her mectings <br />and conversations <br />• Full group reflectaaz� and interpretatio� of data/information in tenns of px�oriiies, goals, <br />and desi�ed changes/results <br />4 <br />