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I regularly t�ain in the ar�as of cultural diversity, strategic planning, organization and <br />rnanagement systen�s, conflict management, and board deveIopment. My greatest interests <br />include restarative justace, large group/citizen engagement processes, and ei�ective outcomes and <br />performance measurernent. <br />I have facilitated state level sessions for the Association of MN Counties, the MN State Council <br />on Child Support Enforcement, Me�ropolitan Waste Control Commissian, MN State Library <br />syste�n, and dozens o� other local goveznn�ent and nonprofit orgar�izations in Minn�sota and the <br />United States. My work with nationa] groups has included the Nationa] Association of Volunteer <br />Administrators, Fetlowshig of Reconciliation, Inte��ational Victim Of�ender Mediatzoz�, National <br />Assoeiation of Jewish Women, Episcopal Church Publishing Company, Murder Victims' <br />Families for Reconciliation, and American Associatian af Comz�aunity 7ustice Professionals. I <br />ha�e aiso conduct�d training iza Romania, Cyprus, and Kenya. <br />My first positian i�� Minnesota was as a Governor's appoizzCee to serve as the executive director <br />of the MN State Humane Saciety where I assisted over 40 eommunities thro�ghout the sate to <br />de�elop their own programs to address the safeCy and treat�nent of damestic animals. I alsa <br />served for faur years as the Director of Victirr� Services for the MN State Department of <br />Corrections and as the Directc�r of Poiicy, Planning, and Organization Developrnent far Ramsey <br />County. In all three positions I worked dizectly with elected afficials at the local and state level <br />an planning and policy issues. <br />� served as the director of the training and cansu�ting graup at Wilder Foundation working with <br />dozens of nonpxof t and pubIic sector organizations Ehroughout the metro area. I have also <br />set-ved as an adjunct instructor in t�e Masters Degree Program in Public Adrninistraiion and <br />Nanprofit Mana�ement and Hamline Uz�zvez-s�ty in St. Paul, Minnesota for 4 years. My courses <br />included a Cercificate Program in Outcames and Pei�ormanc� Measurerz7.ent, Governance and <br />Planning for Nonprofit Organizations, and Researeh and Pro�ram Evaluation for Managers. I <br />also provide training and consulting through the Coilege of St. Cathez-i�ze. <br />I have a Masters Degree in Bus�ness Adrninistration from the University of St. Thonaas in St. <br />Paul, MN. � also have specialized training in Minnesota QualiCy Award Criteria, tY�e Peter F. <br />Drucker Faundatian Nacional Training Team - Self-Assessment Tool, Carver Palicy Governance <br />Mndel for Boards/Govez-��ng Bodies, Myers-Briggs Quali�cation, Asset�Based Coxnmunity <br />Deveiopment - McKnightlKreitzman Northwestez� Unzversity, the National Futurists "Shared <br />Partxcipation" group process, Feilowship of Reconciliation °Children's Creatz�e Response to <br />Canflict° and was trained as a Mediator by CDR in Boulder, Colorado. <br />R <br />