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References and Recommendations <br />�.ouise M. Miner, <br />Organization Consultant <br />It has been a privzlege azld a pleasure to �vork with Barbara Raye in a variety of settings and <br />eircumstances. SI�e is ane of the most clear, "on purpose" consultants I have ever met. �3arbara <br />has a collaborative spirit that pervades her wark. She communicates easily witla diverse groups, <br />huiIds strang consensus, facilitates mutual understanding wit}� tremendous ease and grace. <br />Barbara has the passion of her convictio�is and bi-ings her full self to every situation. I eannot <br />recommend her too highly. <br />Alian Rossmarr, <br />Retired privafie sector exec�tive and citizen participant <br />A person with unique twin abilities of recognizi�ag real organizational and social needs and <br />presents the means and t�e pz'ocesses io achieve persona3ly satisfying and practical results. It was <br />a p�easure warking vvith you. <br />Carla Johnson, <br />Executive �irector, Channe� Qne (Food banklfood shelf} <br />The time spent on Friday was tezxi�c; we'li move forward naw with a good idea of what t�ings <br />aare supposed to look Iike. Thanics again — i�'s great working with you! <br />Maryrose Dolozol, <br />5tudent at Fellowship of Reconciliatio� and graduate student at Ham�ine <br />Uni�ersity <br />Sorr�e comments after you left ine��ded "fascznating," "critical points we often don't give <br />attention ta," "�oad energy," "passiona�e," and "�he's in the process of challer�giz�g everything, <br />changing everything." Thank you for your ability ta articulate why a�d how nur "pxocess" will <br />detennine our "product." <br />Krystaf Grohn, <br />GoodwilllEaster Seafs, 5t. Paul, MN <br />Barbara, I was in your HamIine cIass on Saturday and I just �t7vanted to say "Thank You" for <br />sharing your expertise and insights. I've already inet with my Vice President for 1 hour sl�aring <br />coneep#s and ideas to improve t1�e purpos� of our Valunteer Services. <br />Dan �'[owers, <br />Akron F'oocl Bar�k, at America's S�cond Harvest Conference <br />I have to tell you that our chat was the highlight of my week and I have given m�ch thought to at <br />since then. I really appreciate it. <br />Jim Smith, <br />Simpson Housing Services <br />We really axe for your Ieaders�ip for both those days. I thinlc #his was a crucial <br />experience �oz- us. We needed a boost and an effeciive invitatioi� to focus and bond_ Yo� <br />provided that beautifully. <br />C`.Pntwr fnr Pnlirv Planninn anri P�rFnrmanra •'� <br />