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References and Recomme�►dations <br />Ethar� Vesely-Flad, <br />Episcopal Church Publishing Company <br />TI�anlcs again for alI of yot�r ef�o�rts to �elp our organization emerge out of the quicksand we've <br />bePn in. It will fake same time for us tn be a"force io be �eckoned witla" once agai��, but I'ni very <br />�apeful abaut the short-term future as we've already sees� good energy fro� board inembers in <br />the week �ollawing the l�aard meeting toward speeific tasks. <br />Barbara, �'zn elated you'll be able to come to DC. Your good work last fall helped our leadership <br />come to a common decision t��at we needed to keep t�is i�istaric organization going, and we have ' <br />dane tY�at at one level. Now we need to laak to tY�e next st�ps in our rebt�iiding p��ocess. ' <br />Pat Sandin, <br />Execuii�e Director, Midwest Hea3th Clinic <br />T�aanks for assisting us in such short �otice. As �sual everyone thoug�t you w�re great <br />especially Krista, and sl�e is as particular about consu]ta�ts as � azn. <br />C'r�ntar fnr I�nlsr.�i I�fanninn anrl PwrFnrmanra • d <br />