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Sar�ara E. Raye • 2 <br />Minnesota Department of Correcfions (1987 — 1991) <br />Project Coordinatoi <br />EmpIoyee Assessment and Develapmer,t Program. <br />D�rector, Vicfim Services Uni� <br />Resgonsibility inciudes introduc�ion of restorative justice fzarziewozk and first pasition of � <br />restoratzve jus�ice planner. Aiso m�naged $6 million azuival gzant distzibutian, e�valuation <br />and technical assistance for fo�r statewide victia� �rogz�ams, coardinatian of DOC <br />legislative package, and testimony in area oi victirns' rights and victim services. <br />Dzrector, Battered Women Prograzn <br />Minnesota Stafe Numan� Sacie#y (7983 — 1986) <br />Execu�ive Director <br />Semi-state agency established by legislation vvith 4fl coc�nty nonprofit chapters. <br />Sojourner Shelter for baftered ►vomen, (1981 — 7983) <br />Execu�ive Director artd start-up eaordxnator (Tndiana) <br />Turning Point Shelfer for baftered svomen (7979 -- 7987j <br />Executive Director and Faunder (�ndia�a) <br />Wamen's Certfer, Inc. (1976 — 1979) <br />Exec��ive Directar and Founder (�ndiana} <br />Indiana Cammissian Far Humanities (1974 — T 97fi) <br />Project Coordinator <br />Numan Services, lnc. (poverfy CAAP agency) (1975 -1976) <br />Advacate <br />Prar"rie Times (weekly newspaper) (1975 —1976) <br />Reporter <br />EDUCATIDN ANl7 TRAINING <br />University of Sain� 7"homas, Si. Paul, Minrresota <br />MBA <br />Specialized na�ional trainirrg <br />• MN/MaIcolm Baldrige Quality Award Criteria <br />• Peter F. Drucker Foundation National Training Tearn — 5e1�-Assessment Tool <br />• Carver Policy Governan�e Model for Boards of Dir�ctors / Governir�g Sodies <br />• Myers-Briggs Qualification <br />• Asset--Based Community Development - McICnaght/Kreitzax�an Northwestem University <br />• Nationai ��zturists, "Shared Participation" group proeess leadership Eraining <br />• Fellowship of Reeonci�iation "Children's Creative Response to Canflict" <br />+ Mediaiion Certification (40 hours), CDR, Boulder, Coiorado ' <br />• National Training Lab, "Wqmen in Mar�agement" <br />Management ' <br />General sUpervisron, MBO, board governance, volunteerism, time management, adc�ictive ', <br />organizatioa�s, learning organazatiqz�s, Fifth Discipline, MN/Baldrige quaIity award criteria, ', <br />TQM, Leading frotn Within, Zone Leadership_ ' <br />