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Bar�ara E. Raye <br />5004 Cedar Avenu� <br />Minneapolas, Miz�n�snta 55417�1238 <br />612-�724-95%5 or <br />AR�Ay OF EXPERTI�E <br />PoIicy aanalysis, strategic plaruzing, large group facilztataon, citizen engagement, outcome <br />based fGUlding, perforrnance measure�ent, culturai diversify/equiiy in the workplace, <br />�r�ediafian/ and conf�ict resalution, organizatian c�evelapment, Iegislative processes, <br />management cansulting, and working with governing bodies/boards of directors. <br />WORK HISTORY <br />Center for P�licy, Plannrng, & Performance (1998 present) <br />Founder and Executive Director <br />The Center is a nonprofit corporation and aIlianee af several experienced consulEants and <br />management practitionera committed to the work of social j�stice. The purpose of the <br />Center is to engage cikizen-based Ieadership and to enhance the effectiveness of nonprofit <br />and pubIic sector organizations as t11ey wor3c to impact the lzves of tk�e p�ople and <br />eommunit�es that they serve. It has o€fices in Minnesota and Kenya_ <br />Partr�ers provide consulting and training services, policy anaIysis and dev�lopment, <br />progzarzi evaluatao� and design, faciIitation and �nediation for both large and srnall groups, <br />and Ieadership and Jeazning pzocesses. Clients include national organizations, schooi <br />boazds, governzz�ent etected officials and managers, and nonprofit organizations. Focus <br />areas are board and leadership develnpznent, community outcomes and pezfozmance <br />indicatars, cultural ec�uity and respeci�uI workplaces, restoraEive justice, strategic planni3�g, <br />organization and program evaluation, policy anaIysis, and large group/citizen facilitation. <br />Hamline Universify (1997—.2002) <br />Adjunct instructor in the Masters Degree Program in I'ublic Administration and Nonprofit <br />Management. Courses include Certificate Progzam zn Outcomes and PerforznanCe <br />Measuzement, Governance and Planning for Nonprofit Ozganizations, and Researc� and <br />Program �valuation for Managers. <br />Col,lege of St. Catherine (1999�2Q02) <br />Part tirne instructor in Ieadership develnp�€nent and continuing edueation program_ CIasses <br />include being an effective change agent �nromen as politzcal leaders, con£liCt resa�utipn. <br />Ramsey County, Minnesota (799� --]99&) <br />Director, Policy, Plan��ing and Organizatio� Develapmenf <br />Projects include: development and facilitatian of 34-member mai�agemez�t teazn; <br />countywide strategic plan with 15 topic areas and over 10,D00 citizen parf�cipants; policy <br />analysis on major countywide planning and poliey assues; legislative testimany; design and <br />implementa#ion of counlywide outcome and perforrnance measurement system. <br />Wilder Foundation, Services ta Organizations (1991 —I994) <br />Di.zec�or, Communify Services Gxoup <br />Twenty-seven-meznbez consultant grou� wit� a Epcus an nanprofit /public organizatiQns <br />: and b�zilding cornmunaty capacity Eo address the needs af the inner core city of S#. Paul. <br />, ... .. <br />Direc�ax, Mar�agez�er�t Sup�or# Services <br />Seniar Consultant <br />