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City Council Regular Meeting — 02/27/06 <br />DRAFT Minutes - Page 30 <br />Mayor Klausing sought Council consensus as to direction to <br />staff. <br />Councilmember Ihlan, referencing her original request for an <br />overview of current parking issues, and recent discussion of <br />rental housing licensing and adoption of the International <br />Property Management Code (IPMC), advised that, following <br />staffs report, she was not interested in pursuing anything at this <br />time and suggested she would bring back the issue in another <br />format at another time. Councilmember Ihlan thanked staff for <br />their report. <br />Mayor Klausing opined that he was not interested in establishing <br />a separate committee; and was in substantial agreement with <br />overall parking on streets and lots; noting they were part of the <br />discussions for general community visioning. <br />Ron Bartz, 1499 Clarmar Lane <br />Mr. Bartz questioned who enforced parking, noting an adjacent <br />property with college students; and a recent episode of them <br />parking in the middle of the front yard. Mr. Bartz noted that, <br />when he contacted the Police Department, and they performed a <br />drive-by inspection, he was told that it was private property and <br />they had no violations to enforce. <br />City Manager Beets noted that this would be a code enforcement <br />issue, and a violation would be addressed by Rick Talbot, the <br />City's Code Enforcement Officer; and recommended that Mr. <br />Bartz contact Mr. Talbot at 792-7071. <br />Councilmember Pust clarified that, for future reference to resolve <br />issues and i'�'�tti a customer service standpoint, it was her hope <br />that, if the Police Department was not able to resolve the issue, <br />Mr. Bartz would have been notified whom to contact, and <br />provided with Mr. Talbot's contact information by the Police <br />Department. <br />13. Consider appointments to the Ramsey County League of Appointments <br />Local Governments (RCLLG) and the North Suburban RCLLG & NSCC <br />Communication Commission (NSCC) <br />Mayor Klausing noted that Councilmembers Kough and Ihlan <br />