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4. All City owned rights of way and easements within the limits of the project for roads, <br />utilities and storm water are hereby granted to the County for project use during construction <br />5. All County Road C rights of way and temporary easements will be in the name of the <br />County and parking and other regulations will be controlled by the County. <br />6. The County and City shall participate in the costs of construction in accordance with the <br />adopted Ramsey County Public Works cost participation policy. <br />7. The estimated construction cost of items is $2,935,327.15. The costs will be paid by a <br />combination of Federal Aid Highway Funds, County State Aid Highway fiinds, Municipal State <br />Aid Highway funds and Local Roseville funds. <br />8. Storm sewer construction costs attributable to the road tight of way and facilities needed for <br />the road drainage are estimated to be eligible for reimbursement from County State Aid funds. <br />Each agency shall pay for the storm sewer costs as determined by the N.�II�OT hydraulics <br />memorandum. <br />9. Upon completion of the project, the County shall own and maintain the storm sewer catch <br />basins and leads on its County roads and the City shall own and maintain the storm sewer trunk <br />lines within the City. Laterals and drains servicing property within the City outside the road right <br />of way shall also be owned and maintained by the City. <br />10. Upon completion of the project, the City shall own and maintain the rain gardenlstorm <br />water pond in the northwest quadrant of County Road C and Lexington Avenue. <br />1l. The City shall pay to the County 50°/o of the cost of coloring and stamping the concrete <br />median, after application of Federal Funds. Upon completion of the project, the County shall own <br />and maintain the median. <br />12. The City shall pay to the County 100°/o of the cost of streetlights provided in the project, <br />after applicatron of Federal Funds. Upon completion of the project, the City shall own and maintain <br />the streetlights. <br />13 . The City shall pay to the County 100°/o of the cost of furnish and install new hydrants along <br />County Road C. <br />14. All Cztv utilities or facilities modified or added to those pravisions presently made in the <br />plans and specifications may be incorporated in the construction contract by supplemental <br />agreement and shall be paid for as specified in the supplemental agreement. Design and <br />construction engineering fees shall be negotiated. <br />15. The City shall pay to the County 50°/o of the cost of the full Traffic Control Signal System <br />at East Snelling Service Drive, after application of Federal Funds. <br />��_� �� #, <br />