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Exhibit A <br />Page 1 of 6 <br />STATE OF MINNESOTA <br />DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION <br />STANDARD CLAUSES <br />FOR <br />RAILROAD-HIGHWAY CONSTRUCTION AGREEMENT <br />SEPTEMBER 1,1998 <br />1. AGREEMENT EXECUTION <br />Before this Agreement shall become binding and effective, it shall have received the <br />approval of such State officers as the law may provide in addition to the Commissioner of <br />Transportation. <br />2. JURISDICTION AND VEN UE <br />The laws of the State of Minnesota shall govern all questions as to the execution, nature, <br />obligation, construction, validity and performance of this Agreement. <br />3. TERM OF AGREEMENT <br />It is expected that all work, inspections, billings, audits and payments shall be <br />accomplished within three years from the date of the Agreement. Any extension of the <br />three-year limit shall be with the approval of all parties to the Agreement. <br />4. COMMISSIONER'S OFFICIAL CAPACITY <br />— It is further agreed by and between the parties hereto, notwithstanding anything to the <br />— contrary, that the Commissioner of Transportation of the State of Minnesota is acting in <br />— an official capacity only and shall not be personally responsible or liable to the C'c�n, ��:sn�• <br />— or to any person or persons whomsoever for any claims, damages, actions, or causes of <br />action of any kind or character arising out of or by reason of the execution of this <br />Agreement or the performance or completion of the project provided for herein. <br />ELIGIBILITY OF COSTS <br />The provisions contained in Federal-Aid Policy Guide, Chapter l, Subchapter G, Part <br />646, Subpart B and Chapter 1, Subchapter B, Part 140, Subpart I, shall apply to the <br />railway-highway project, regardless of the method of financing the project. <br />6. WORK REPORTS <br />The Company agrees that its representative in charge of the work set forth this <br />Agreement shall furnish the State's Engineer in charge ofthe project: <br />Page 1 of 6 <br />