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5. Allowing tires to be sold or displayed for sale within view of the adjacent <br />land unless the same are displayed in a rack during business hours (Ord. 499, B-S- <br />66; amd. 1995 Code) <br />J. Building Maintenance and Appearance: Buildings, fences, and other structures, <br />which have been so poorly maintained that their physical condition and <br />appearance detract from the surrounding neighborhood are declared to be public <br />nuisances because they: I) are unsightly, 2) decrease adjoining landowners' and <br />occupants enj oyment of their property and neighborhood, and 3) adversely affect <br />prr�,�r��� values and neighborhood pattern. <br />K. Standards: Any building, fence or other structure is a public nuisance if it does not <br />comply with the following requirements: <br />1. All wires which are strung less than 15 feet above the surface of any public <br />street or alley. <br />2. All exterior doors and shutters shall be hung properly and have an operable <br />mechanism to keep them securely shut or in place. <br />3. All cornices, moldings, lintels, bay or dormer windows and similar <br />projections shall be kept in good repair and free from cracks and defects which <br />make them hazardous or unsightly. <br />4. Roof surfaces shall be tight and have no defects which admit water. All <br />roof drainage systems shall be secured and hung properly. <br />5. Chimneys, antennae, air vents and other similar projections shall be <br />structurally sound and in good repair. Such projections shall be secured properly <br />where applicable to an exterior wall or exterior roof. <br />6. All foundations shall be structurally sound and in good repair. <br />L. Declaration of Nuisance: The outside parking and storage on residentially-zoned <br />property of vehicles, materials, supplies or equipment not customarily used for <br />residential purposes in violation of the requirements set forth below is declared to <br />be a public nuisance because it: 1) obstructs views on streets and private property, <br />2) creates cluttered and otherwise unsightly areas, 3) introduces commercial <br />advertising signs into areas where commercial advertising sings are otherwise <br />prohibited, 4) decreases adjoining landowners and occupants' enjoyment of their <br />property and neighborhood, and 5) otherwise adversely affects property values and <br />neighborhood patterns. Service vehicles with a manufacturer's rated capacity of <br />2,000 pounds or less are exempt from this provision. <br />M. Unlawful Parking and Storage: <br />1. No person may place, store, or allow the placement or storage of ice fish <br />houses, skateboard ramps, play houses, or other similar nonpermanent structures <br />outside continuously for longer than 24 hours in the front-yard area of <br />re sidentially-zone dproperty. <br />2. No person may place, store or allow the placement or storage of pipe, <br />lumber, steel, machinery or similar materials including all materials used in <br />connection with a business, outside on residentially-zoned property. <br />3. No person shall cause, undertal�e, permit or allow the outside parking and <br />storage of vehicles in residentially-zoned property for more than 14 days unless it <br />complies with the following requirements: (Ord. 1288, 8-4-2003) <br />