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G. Keeping of Farm Animals: The keeping of cows, horses, sheep, goats or any 4 <br />legged animal commonly known as farm animals, other than those commonly <br />called poultry, in any pasture, stable or any enclosure within 300 feet or less of <br />any other lot in any residence district. (Ord. 629, 9�28-70} <br />H. Peddling and Soliciting: <br />1. The practice of going house-to-house, door-to-door, business-to-business, <br />street-to-street, or any other type of place-to-place, for the purposes of offering for <br />sale or obtaining, or attempting to obtain, orders for good, wares, products, <br />merchandise, other personal property or services if conducted in the following <br />manner: <br />a. Obstructing the free flow of either vehicular or pedestrian traffic on <br />any street, alley, sidewall� or other public right-of-way; <br />b. Conducting business in a way as to create a threat to the health, <br />safety and welfare of any individual or the general public; <br />c. Conducting business before 7:00 a.m. or after 9:00 p.m. <br />d. Making any false or misleading statements about the product or <br />service being offered, including untrue statements of endorsement; <br />e. Remaining on the property of another when requested to leave, or to <br />otherwise conduct business in a manner a reasonable person would find <br />obscene, threatening, intimidatingor abusive. <br />2. Entering the property of another, unless invited to do so by the property <br />owner or tenant, for the purpose of conducting business as a peddler or solicitor <br />when the property is marked with a sign or placard at least 4 inches long and 4 <br />inches wide with print at least 48 point in size stating "No Trespassing" or "No <br />Peddlers or Solicitors," or "Peddlers and Solicitors prohibited" or other <br />comparable statement. Removing, defacing or otherwise tampering with any sign <br />or placard under this section by a person other than the property owner or tenant. <br />(Ord. 1293, 8-11-2003) <br />I. Service Stations: Operation of a business involving the sale of motor fuel and/or <br />the repair of motor vehicles in the following manner: <br />1. The use of service station premises for the sale, or for display in aid of sale, <br />of any motor vehicle. <br />2. The use of service station premises for storage of damaged or abandoned <br />motor vehicles for in excess of 7 days without a directive of the Chief of Police. <br />3. The storing of or the allowing of accumulation of any of the following <br />items on service station premises in view of adjacent land; <br />a. Used oil cans. <br />b. Discarded auto parts. <br />e. Discarded tires. <br />d. Any other items of similar debris. <br />4. Operating a service station with premises that does not have its entire area <br />covered by the following: building, concrete or bituminous paving and grass, well <br />maintained or other well maintained shrubbery. <br />