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REQUEST FOR COUNCIL ACTION <br />DATE: OS/22/06 <br />ITEM NO. 3.i <br />Department Approval: ['i �k� ��i:��, ���•, ,� ����: ��,�-�1 � Agenda Section <br />TRP ��� �� CONSENT <br />I�ein Descxiptio�. Proposed City Code Revision pertaining to Restaurants within tl <br />B-4, Retail Office Service District (PF37G4). <br />1_Q BACKGROUND: <br />[.] In February 2004, the City Council approved amendments to Section 1005 (Business <br />Districts) of the Roseville City Code. Specifically, the Council supported a number of text <br />amendments for updating and clarifying the requirements within Busine�s District zoning <br />classifications. <br />].� The revised section included the provision of a chart (replaced text within each district) that <br />lists all uses and where they are permitted or permitted as a conditional use. Over the past <br />years, staff has encountered a couple of "codification"errors — where requirements addressed <br />in the code have been mistal{enly omitted from the chart. <br />I..} Section 1005.06 speal{s to the purpose of the Retail Office Service District, stating. The B-4, <br />Retail office Se�viee District zs designed to provide a limited mi� of land uses, made <br />compatible through controls of high quality star�darcls, to facilitate more intensive, larger, <br />and higher value development and redevelopment areas for the regional market. This <br />dist�ict allows opportunities to antegrate high quality ��i���. hotels, restaurants, retail uses <br />and selected o�ce and manufacturinguses visible f�om state or county roads. The B-4 <br />Retail �, f�'ice SeYVice District in intended for certain areas designated as B, Business within <br />the ComprehensivePlan. <br />I.�4 A recent review of the Code by the City Planner — specifically the chart — concluded that all <br />types of restaurantshave been omitted form the B-4 zone, which means that they are <br />prohibited. A review of the previous Code allowance concludes thai restaurants under 5,000 <br />sq. f�. were permitted within il�is district. <br />].� In February 2003, the City Council approved a text amendments aimed at clarifying types of <br />restaurants and the zones within which they are permitted and conditional. This amendment <br />specifically established a class system of restaurants and assigned them within the various <br />business classifications— B-4 having Class I Traditional, Class � Traditional w/no�- <br />intoxication, Class T� Traditional wlintoxication all per�nii��d; Class V Drive-In as a Ci7P; <br />and Class II Fast Food Convenience and Class VI Tal{e-out & Delivery prohibited. <br />l.� The Citv Planner has reviewed the text situation with the Citv Attomev where it was <br />concluded that staff should proceed with a request for L����7� iL suppart to modify (include) <br />specific restaurants a pe�itted/condztianal within the business District chart. <br />