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2.0 STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS: <br />2.1 The City Planner recommends that the City Council support the inclusion of Class I, III, and <br />N as pernlitted uses and Class V as a conditional use within the B-4 zone consistentDistrict <br />purpose statement (1005.06) and consistentwitki the Council's previous approval (2003) <br />pertaining to restaurants. <br />3.0 SUGGESTED ACTION. <br />3.1 BY MOTION, APPROVE the change in the Business District chart pertaining to <br />restaurants as a permitteduse (Class I, T�� & IV) and conditional use (Class V) within <br />the B-4, Retail Office Service District zoning designation and direct staff to make the <br />appropriate modificationto Section 1005.015. <br />� <br />