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5.2 At the printing of this project report the City Planner has received support e-mail from <br />three of Mr. Alexander's neighbors. <br />5.3 In review of the proposal, staff has concluded that the interim use is appropriate as a <br />temporary housing solution and will not haxm/affect the health, safety and general welfare <br />of the surrounding neighborhood. <br />5.4 The proposed camper location (adjacent the existing utility pole) is appropriate given the <br />desire to connect to the electric and cable, but the camper must be located on the <br />Alexander parcel, in such a location as not to hinder house moving or construction <br />equipment and materials, and not within the public right-of-way (see attached map). <br />5.5 Mr. Alexander has indicated that he would lil{e to use a tank system (200 gallon placed <br />under RV) for sanitary sewer (to be pumped out weekly) and connect to the existing <br />watermain. <br />5.6 The temporary allowance of a storage unit for personal items during the house <br />construction is appropriate with a location adjacent the trees on the eastern portion of the <br />front yard. <br />6.0 STAFF RECOMMENDATION: <br />6.1 The Community Development Staff recommends APPROVAL of the INTERIM USE <br />PERMIT for the reasons stated in Section 5 of the project report dated May 22,2006, <br />subj ect to the following conditions (as revised by the Planning Commission): <br />a The caxxa.pear/tarazler shall be placed on private property a minimum of 34 feet from <br />the property line adjacent to Parker Avenue (adjacent to the private utility pole). <br />b. The camperitrailershall not be removed from the premises during construction <br />period. The camper shall be removed from the site or parked on a paved surface <br />meeting code requirements after a temporary certificate of occupancy of the home <br />is granted by the Roseville Building Official. <br />c. The property owner shall connect to the City's sanitary sewer or install a <br />temporary tank system (to be pumped weekly), and to connect to the public <br />watermain, which plans must be reviewed by the City Engineer and Building <br />Official. <br />d. The RV and storage unit shall be located as per the site plan within the staff report <br />dated may 3,2006. <br />e. The Interim Use Permit shall be allowed for a period of SEVEN MONTHS (May <br />22 to December 31). The applicant may request an extension of this IUP three <br />months prior lo the expiration date (October 22,2006). <br />P�3728_I2.CA_052206.doc Page 3 cf 3 <br />