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Addiiionally, Staff recaz�z�ends tl�at in whafever City Council goal-setting process you <br />embark upon, Caur�ci� may wish to see where parking issues fall among the Iarge number <br />of issues competing for yt�ur tirne, attentian, and Ciry resoc�rces. In fhat regard, you may <br />prefer to dig one we1160 feei deep �r�d hit water rather than dig 10 we11s six feet deep, raise <br />unrealis#ic expectati�ns, waste time and re�oney, and leave a worse situation than when you <br />started. <br />�II. RECC?MMENDATION <br />For these reasans, staff recommends th� Cit�r no� undertake a camprehensive review of <br />�arking regulations at this time. <br />IV. AUDENDUM <br />If the und�rlying concern is really about c�llege s�udents parking on fihe 5nelling Service <br />Drive, and now on Asbury Street, then let's address that specific situatian. <br />To recap, last Fall residents of the Snelling Service Drive nor�h of Lydia �Qrnplained to <br />Councilmember Kough abo�rt Nark�wes�ern �ol�ege students parking overnight on this <br />segment of public s�reet. On September 19, 2005, residents from one home on the Sne�ling <br />Service Driv� appeared a� the Cauncil study session and voiced these camplaints. (The <br />Council aIso received a letter fram a second reside��ce echaing tl�ese cornplaints.) I'ublic <br />Works Directar Duane 5chwartz said we cauld put signs on fh� Snel�ing Service Drive <br />north of �,ydia �ha� parohibit avernight parking, hut it would just chase the students to other <br />stxeets in the area. Council unanimausly agreed to erect the signs, and thai was done. <br />(Minutes attached.) <br />Now, in light of the no overnight parking ban on the Snelling Service Drive, apparently <br />some students are occasionally parking overnight on other public streets, including As- <br />bury. In staff's view' �ve have two op�ions: Ret-�eat ar Adva�lee. We can retreat by taking <br />down the "Na CJvernight Parking" signs or� the Snellin� Service Drive that have chased the <br />students ta other streets. Takir�g �he signs dawn will prnbahly eliminate college students <br />parking vn Asbury but it�ritate the original complainan�s e�n Snelling Service Drive. <br />Or we can advance by erecting �o parking �i�ns on Asbury Street with whatever restriction <br />the Council or the residents want. {Probably no overnight parking, as on tl�te Sazellin� Ser- <br />vice Drive signs.) Hawever, same Asbury residents whom we haven'� hea�d from yet may <br />think the na parking signs t�ems�l�es are abtrusive. Ti�ey rz�ay feel they aren't both- <br />exed by the few vehicles that are occasionally parking overnigh� (in #ront of someane else's <br />house), in atidition, no parking �estrzctians apply to everyone, including residents and <br />their own guests, as �cvell as college students. Mareover, pa:rking restrictions on Asbury <br />rnay chase the stud�nts ta another street. But, at some distance away fxam Northwestern <br />College, students will nnt znake tl�e �ra1k to their dorm room on campus or to their apart- <br />rn.ent off-caYnpus and fhey will find some other pIace for their vehicle. <br />4 <br />