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E. What Has Roseville Dane Recently Al�out Parkzn.g_,Issues? <br />The Public Warks, �zlvironrr�ent, and Transportatron Commission recently studied a sea- <br />sonal (winter)'ban on overnight parking. After studyi�g the issue, incluc�.i:ng a re- <br />view of parkin� regulatit���s i�1 other eities, �hey decided not to recommend any c�anges ta <br />Rosevillc's averr�ight parking situation. <br />In November 2004, the Plannir�g Cammission and the City Cauncil addressed parking is- <br />sues associa�ed with boats, boat trailers, RV'S and Fifth-Wheels. The Council concurred <br />thafi the Coc�e uses oIder terminology that requires some adminis�rative discretion. A re- <br />view of other cammunities For RV regulatipn uniformity was not conclusive; there are dif- <br />ferences frozx� cornznunity �a community. The direction fram the Council was to can�i��ue <br />ta educate residents and to continue io do what had been the operating procedure af aliow- <br />ing tl�e larger RVs to rerr�ain on fil�e dxiveways, nc�t requiring them to tear up the �urf to <br />park th�m in the �•ear yards. The Cauncil recognized the potential comrrtui�ity eonsterna- <br />tion over hanning specific types or siz�s of RV's. <br />�. What Would A Com rehensive Review Of Parkin Re ulations Entail? <br />It depends on who undertakes the review and haw comprehensive it is. 5taff is not in a <br />pasition to undertake such a review; our plate for 2006 is fu11 trying to carry out the tasks <br />the Council has already set fo�'th for us in the 200G buctget. <br />Whaever were ta undertake suc11 a review can anticipate rnultiple meetings involving dif- <br />ferent areas of the City. We wauld imagine these meetings r�vfluld be preceded by �otice tn <br />residents about the subject of t�e meeting. Variaus persons who are unhappy with a cur- <br />rent or paat parking situation wil1 probabIy use the occasion to describe thezr eoncerns. For <br />e�ery persan wha is unhappy there wsll be o�hers who are satisfied or who wauld object ko <br />the ideas presented to change the status qua. Normally, however, persans wh€� are satis- <br />Eied with the status q�za will not show up initially; but if the status quo were praposed to be <br />changed, then those who are satisfied with the status quo wnuld in all fairness want addi- <br />�ional meetings to be held so they can �valuate and possibl�r object io the pro}�ase� <br />changes. <br />G. What Does Staff Recommend? <br />Because ane size does not necessari�y fit all in parking situations, staff recon-�mends a cas�- <br />�y-case apprQach ta parking problems: <br />A person brings forth his sperific cornplaint. Staff see� if the curren� <br />Code applies. If it does, we enforce the Cade. If it doesn't, we determine <br />whether �here are non-Code �nrays to address the situatian that can be <br />made to w�nrk for all. cancerned. When our �xperience with parking <br />cornplaints and solutions teils us it may help a majority of our residents, <br />stafE vu�ill bring specific recammendations to the Pu�1ic Wor�CS Cornmis- <br />sion and ta the Council to change the parking regulations in the City <br />Cnde. <br />