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l�p�rt�� l�p�r���r <br />� I <br />��..._... <br />STAF�` MEMO TO CITY COUNCIL <br />�+Ia��gcr �ii�+��d� <br />� <br />DATE: 07/ 17/06 <br />ITEM: 1l. <br />Agenda Section: <br />Item Description: Discussion about need for reconstructionand sidewall{ of County Road B-2 from <br />Lexington Avenue to Rice Street <br />Background: In 2004 staff presented information to the City Council regarding possible alternates to <br />construct a pat�way/side�alk adjacent to County Road B-2 with federal funds. After considerable <br />discussion and input from the neighborhoods, the Council decided not to proceed with trail or sidewalk <br />construction. The neighborhood was concerned about the impacts to their properties, as well as drainage <br />issues that may not be resolved, as a part of a trail constructionproject without reconstructionof the street. <br />This was a factor in not proceeding with the trail or sidewalk project at that time. Some Council members <br />stated it may be more prudent to look at constructing a sidewall{ in conjunction with a street <br />reconstructionproject at a future date. <br />Ramsey County has identified this segment of roadway as needing maintenance improvements in the near <br />future. They are not considering reconstructing to an urban design at this time due to lack of funding and <br />prioritizationof projects within their system. They will mill and overlay or cold mill recycle the existing <br />pavement without drainage improvements or opportunity for sidewall{ construction. This type of <br />maintenancewould be expected to last 10 to 15 years. <br />In May the city hosted a Walkable Communities Workshop that identified barriers to pedestrian and <br />bicycle traffic in this area. Most participants agreed that this corridor is not conducive to walking and is <br />somewhat unsafe for pedestrians. <br />In light of the likelihood of a County maintenance project in the near future and the continued need for <br />pedestrian facilities to link these neighborhoods to schools and the larger trail system, staff would like to <br />have a discussion with the Council about your vision for this corridor. The topics we will discuss will <br />include the following: �� <br />Should staff pursue further study of reconstruction of this corridor, including pedestrian facilities <br />Do we explore jurisdictional transfer of this corridor to the City from Ramsey County or consider <br />City participation in reconstruction without transfer <br />Authorize staff to propose funding options and explore grant opportunities for the corridor <br />In 2004 staff estimated reconstruction costs at $3,600,000, including drainage improvements and <br />pedestrian facilities. With construction costs skyrocketing, the same project will now cost $4,500,000. We <br />do not see the trend of higher construction costs changing due to the increasing cost of oil. <br />Council Action: <br />Discussion of the future of this corridor and further direction to staff. <br />Prepared By: Duane Schwartz <br />