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Note: This exctusion currently allows utility �i•ailers to be stored in side and rear yards. <br />The reasaning is that 407.02M4 prohibits any vehicle (trailers a�-e ve�ictcs by <br />definition) with a capacity of over 20001bs in a residential zone. This exclusion takes <br />trailers, with a capacity of up to 3d001bs, aut of this prohibition. Sectiott 1018.13F6 <br />would also need to be revised in the same m�anner. <br />�.3 T�e revised "n�isance" (€�se or ac�ivity not allowed} language should also update <br />the 'camper and camper busses' language and regulate 'non-motorized' <br />recrcaHonat vehicles in a manner similar to 'motorized' recreationa[ vehicles. <br />The revised City Cade "nuisance" [anguage should inc[ude: <br />Section 407.03Q. Storing of Boats, Trailers and Inoperative Motor vehicIes in Froj�t <br />Yards: <br />°" 1. 'The stoiing of the fotlowing tl�ings for a pe�-iod of ]onger than seventy two (72} <br />hours in the front yard of any residential zoned area: <br />a. Traiters of any kind, unless supparting a boat af twenty feet (20') ar tess, or,_a <br />non-motonizcd recreational vehicle of over 30401b classification (as providcd in <br />Minnesota Statutes). <br />NoCe: This will allow tl�e larger non-motorized recreational vehicles (over 30001bs <br />gvw) in the front yard on the driveway but not in a side or rear yard. Also, the <br />smaller/ligh#er pop-up campers reinain'trailers' and stay in side and rear yards. <br />�ection 1018.13k'6 would also need to be revised in the same manner. <br />�.� S�ggested Council Ac#ions: <br />�:� Code Amendnneants: Discuss and pravide direction regarding the need to update the <br />City Code. Since this portion of the Code is not within the Zoning Code, tlie Council <br />may wish to establish readings and formal action over the coming months. <br />�,� Rewrite "recreation vehicle and trailer parking" as a separate section of' the Code, <br />explair�ing where suc� actzvities may occur, rather tY�an where (in the nuisance section) <br />they cannot occur. <br />�,� Council interpretation. Since the cu�rent cade is uncIear, another op�ion is far the <br />Council to ot'ticially interpret the meaning af tl�e code as: "RVs aver 20 feet (eit�ier <br />motorized of nax-matorized) �nust be treated the same antt kept on the front paved <br />suz�ace". <br />_ � �w_u_.W� __.�._ _. .. .. _. m� __.__ �_..._. ___� ... ..._ ___... .. _. _. _ � . .... .:: . <br />*'a�r+.-�t��uscaa�rm�C�c+v'F*i.�t,�fhfi�i� hN[3_�C�6WiT�E'�1�l..41wI1�d�PE.�".r_kl��?tk(1Q���?t�i_K9JPrr�'���z7t�t��r <br />R�r`C'�; E I I'��dr��: <br />