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� <br />SECTTON: <br />.�.�.,�.�w. <br />f��.. <br />�'.�i�; <br />4#��.#��; <br />��i'.��. <br />�t'7fN��. <br />�7.�: <br />��.�'�. <br />�+�"i.c��: <br />CHAPTER 4a7 <br />Definitions <br />Nui�ances Affecting Health, Safety, Comfort or Repase <br />Nuisances Affecting Peace and Safe�y <br />Public Nuisanee Unlawful <br />City Council May Enforce <br />Powers of Officers <br />Recovery of Cosi <br />Acceleraied Abatement Process for Certain Nuisances <br />�o�.o�: nEFIlV�Tlorrs: <br />As used in this chapter, the foliowing words and terms sha�l have the meanings ascribed <br />to them in this sectian: <br />ABANDONED VEHICLE: A motor vel�icle that: <br />A. Has been illegally parked on public property for a period of more than forly eight <br />(48) hours; <br />B. Has been parked on private property without the consent of the person in control <br />af the properiy for a periad of more than foriy eight (48) hours; and <br />C. Has been vo�untarily surrendered by its owner to the city or to a movi�ig <br />coni�actor hired by the city for its removal. <br />FRONT YARD AREA: All that area hetween the front properiy line and a line drawn <br />along the front face or faces of the principal structure on the property extend�d to the side <br />property lines. The front side of the properiy shall be determined as specified in title 11 <br />of this code. <br />INOPERABLE CONDITION: The vehicie has no substantial potential use consistent <br />with its usual fiinction, and shall include a vehicle that: a) has a missing or defective part <br />t�Zat is necessary for the normal operation of tlze vehicle, or b) is stored on blocks or jacks <br />or other supports. <br />JZTNK VEHICLE: An inaperable motor vehicle which is partially dismantled, which is <br />used for sale of parts or as a source of repair or re�lacement parts for other vehicles, or <br />which is icept for scrapping, dismantling or saivage of any kind unless suc�i vehicle is <br />kept in an enclosed garage. An abandoned vehicie shall also be co�sidered a junk vel�icle <br />for the purpose of this chapter. <br />NUI�SANCE: Any act, substance, matter e:mission or tlaing which creates a dangeraus or <br />unhealthy condition or which threatens the public peace, health, safety or sanitary <br />condition of t�e city or which i s offensive or laas a blightiz�g influence on tl�e co�unity <br />and which is found upon, in, being discharged or flawing fram any street, alley, highway, <br />railroad right of way, �ehicle, railraad car, water, excavation, building, erection, lot, <br />grounds, or other property tocated within the city of Roseville. Nuisances shall include, <br />but not be limited to, those enumerated below: <br />l08 <br />