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City Council S�udy Session —1I/15/04 <br />Minutes - Page 14 <br />as well as any lan�uage revisions proposed. <br />Councilmember Schroeder spoke against any added language, <br />noting that the cu�ent policy was clean and precise, and <br />additional language would only cloud the intent and open the <br />door to more ciaims. Councilmember Schroeder opined that <br />staff' should be allowed to do their job, and identify reasonable <br />exceptians. <br />Councilmember Masc�ika concurred with Cauncilmember <br />Schroeder's comments. <br />Mayor Klausing noted that further discu�sion could take place <br />when the proposed language revisions came before the Council <br />for action. Mayor Klausing noted that, it seemed a gaod <br />comparomise for �he property awner to submi� a claim �o the City <br />to be deternlined by the LMCIT. <br />Councilmembe� Kough requested �hat �he Council direct City <br />Manager Beets or Public Works Diarectoar Schwartz to cantact the <br />property owner, Ms. Deb Johnson, and provide information to <br />her on the process for submitting a claim. <br />6. Trailers and Recreational Vehicie Parking Requirements <br />Community Development Director Dennis Welsch noted that <br />this topic had not previously been addressed by s�aff or the City <br />Council, due to the volatility af the situation. Mr. Welsch noted <br />that the City's language was actuaily incorpora�ed in the <br />nuisance provisions of the City, not via ordinance. Mr. Welsch <br />recommended several pat�ntial revisions regarding arecz-eational <br />vehicles in the city and their storage. <br />Community Development Director Welsch, thraugh bench <br />handoui, reco�nmended that �anguage be revised that "large (aver <br />3,00 pounds) nan-mo�orized RV's must be an paved driveways, <br />similar to moiorized RV's. Mr. Welsch further suggested that <br />additional revisions could inc�ude revising definitians for trailers <br />as per state staiuie; and noted that staff awaited Council <br />directive. <br />Discussion �nsued regarding storage locations; length of storage; <br />Trailers and <br />Recrea�ionai <br />Vehicle Park�ing <br />Requirements <br />