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City Council Study Session —11/15/04 <br />Minutes - Page 15 <br />license status; ownership; starage costs; various neighborhood <br />issues; access to storag� Iocations on their personal property; and <br />enforcement issues. <br />Caral Kough, 2931 Asbury Street <br />Ms. Kaugh noted her concern regarding restrictions by <br />government on family activities. <br />Jvhn Kysylyczyn, 3083 N Victoria Street <br />Mr. Kysylyczyn questioned how to define "paved" surfaces, and <br />whether other improved surfaces {i.e., graveI, crushed rack, or <br />woad chips) would comply or suffice. <br />Community Development Direc�or Welsch aclrnowledged the <br />advantaged and disadvantages with various compacted finds, <br />their water absorption and runof�' issues. <br />Mr. Kysylyczyn urged Councilmembers ta cansider aptions that <br />would encourage peaple to install improved, permeable surfaces <br />to achieve envzronmentally friendly paiicies. <br />Ms. Kough questioned how to addr�ss the m�nimum footage <br />requirements from the street, noiing �hat most peopie dan't have <br />room io comply with current ordinance. <br />Mayar Klausing noted the numerous and varied ramifications of <br />making any changes io current code from a regulatory <br />�tandpoint. <br />Community Development Director Welsch cancurred with <br />Mayor Klausing's interpretation, and noted tha� the complaints <br />were minimal (Iess than ten annually) at this time; but anticipated <br />rnoxe complaints if additional units were parked in front of <br />homes. Mr. Welsch suggested that the City Cauncil may wish to <br />give considera�ion to a separate section in the nuisance ordinance <br />specifically related to recreational vehicies. <br />Af�er fwrther discussion, s�aff was directed to pull regulations <br />together inta ane section for further council review and <br />consideration. <br />