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b) Adequate usable open space should be pNOVided on the site oN public pa�k/open <br />space ,sh�uld diNectly adjoin the site. <br />c) The flooN aNea standaNd should define the amount of NequiNed open space in <br />compaNison to the density of units. <br />d} Adequate access to adjoining oN neaNby (within z/a mile) �etail/se�vice aNeas <br />should be pNOVided. <br />e) The use of undeNgNOUndpaNking (with adequate safety measuNes) should be <br />encouNaged to Neduce the volume of outside paNking and sepaNate gaNages as a <br />means of impNOVing the geneNal resrden�ial chaNacteN of multiple family <br />development. <br />f) Impacts on adjoining single family aNeas should be limited by incNeased side <br />yaNd setbacks and landscaping; fNOnt and NeaN sepaNation by stNeets, commeNCial <br />oN industNial development; oN paNks and open space. <br />g) HigheN density development should be NequiNed to include such impNOVements <br />as mason�y exteNioN, higheN window and wall insulation packages, undeNgNOUnd <br />paNking, moNe usable open space than noNmally NequiNed, poNChes, landscaping, <br />undeNgNOUndpaNking, and amenities packages within each unit. <br />h) Building design standaNds should be used which contNibute to neighboNhood <br />openness, communication, and inteNaction. <br />i} Design andpeNfoNmance standaNds should pNOVide adequate height and setback <br />combinations foN situations wheNe talleN multi family units aNe pNOposed as infill <br />pNOjects adjacent to single family aNeas. Such infill should be limited to medium <br />density (oN loweN) pNOjects. <br />9. RequiNe faiN housingpNactices. DispeNSe types and scale of housing units within the <br />City foN all ages, in all stages of the life cycle. DiscouNage high concentNations of low and <br />modest cost housing in any poNtion oN neighboNhood <br />a) PNOVide quality, low density Nental and owneN-occupied Nesidential units, <br />paNticulaNly one level. <br />b) CNeate affn�dable and/or subsidized congNegate Nental units foN senioNS and <br />otheNS with special needs. <br />c) ConsideN senioN housing in aNeas with neaNby amenities such as shopping, <br />medical, community and chuNCh facilities, and volunteeN pNOgNams. <br />PF367G_RCA Gen�ralConcept_082806.doc Page 7 of 7 <br />