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However, the 2006 Budget called for the use of $� 28,OOD in reserves to plug the budget gap. To <br />eliminate this reliance, we must apply all new tax monies here first. Therefore, our available <br />funding now becomes: <br />Maximum allowable increase (a� 3.5% tax levy increase $390,945 <br />Less amount needed to eliminate on-going use of reserves (128.000' <br />Amount available for new spending $262,945 <br />Thus, our available resources from additional property taxes are actually $262,945, not <br />$390,945. <br />2007 Recommended Budget <br />For the City's tax-supported programs, my 2007 Recommended Budget proposes to spend these <br />additional monies in the following manner: <br />Estimated 3.0% COLA for City Employees <br />Estimated �ea�thc�'e increases for City Employees <br />Additional fuel and energy related expenses <br />$230,000 <br />10,000 <br />22,9�5 <br />Total $262,945 <br />As is evident, the available funding of $262,945 is projected to be consumed by these 3 major <br />spending categories. <br />To stay within a 3.5% tax levy increase, all other spending increases for City programs and <br />services would need to be offset by reductions elsewhere. In addition, if we adhere to a 3.5% tax <br />levy increase we fall further behind on our asset replacement programs. You will recall from an <br />earlier Staff presentation that the City's current funding mechanisms for asset replacement are <br />insuff'icient to replace those assets at the end of their useful lives. This has already caused us to <br />defer some replacements. Bear in mind that all of these assets are used each and every day to <br />provide the very programs and services that our citizens have come to expect. If we want to <br />honor our original commitment to the community when we acquired or constructed these assets <br />and facilities, then we need to have sustainable funding to maintain and replace them when <br />necessary. <br />Thus, The Citv Mana�er recommended Bud�et includes a reauest for an additional 1% increase <br />in the city's property tax to strengthen our ability to replace these important assets. This <br />additional 1% will generate $111,000 in added funding. The recommend budget specifies that <br />these monies be allocated as follows: <br />Addition to Asset Replacement (Police, PW, P&R} $86,000 <br />Addition to Parlc Improvement Program �.�,�p <br />Total $111,000 <br />