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Page 2 <br />The design is substantially consistent with neighboring properties. There is a setback variance <br />required for the East lot 1i�i� (along Dale Street) that would extend t3�e house structure slightly �i.irtl�er to <br />the East than tfle existing structure located at 1822 North Dale court. The house on the property at 1822 <br />is actually at 27.45 feet fro�a� the East property line (not 30 feet as required by current setback). <br />The structure as proposed would �xot �nct�nil�ez- the vision of motorists existing Dale Court on to <br />Dale Street. This was a neighbor concern at t1�e ti��c; of the i��ii�or subdivision. <br />In addition, a variance is reqtie5�e�. on the West setback Ii�7� for the garage area. The structures <br />on the lots to tl�e South of 1822 North Dale court are showi� to indicate the relative distances from the lot <br />lines in these areas. The distance between the actual physical curb and the lot line is greater for the <br />subject lot than it is for the lots to the South. Thus, although the garage as proposed would be closer to <br />-' the f��a F<<i�- than pern2itted$ visually, it would be c�z�sist���t 1vit11 the properties further South on Dale <br />Court relative to the actual physical curb line. Further���ore, the requested variance for the garage <br />actually decreases to a point where the Southwesterly tip of the garage structure (closet to the 1822 Dale <br />court) would be within or only slightly beyol7c� the required setback of 30 feet. <br />Tl�e Weleczkis respectfully request setback variances to allow a home to be build per the <br />attached }�Iazl� based on the practical difficulties of cai-�yiz�g out the strict letter of the existing setback <br />requirements. <br />T <br />� <br />i <br />� <br />i <br />� <br />T <br />� <br />1 <br />� <br />7 <br />T <br />