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SEPTEMBER 6,2006 DRAFT MINUTES <br />VARIANCE BOARD <br />C�ai� �akeman noted discussion held at the time of the Minor Subdivision approval, and the <br />Commission's reluctance to consider any future variance requests. <br />1VIr. Iliff ad�ised that they had previously sought several variances, but in order to minimize <br />encroachments and to achieve a more traditionally-sized and designed house on the lot, he <br />�vas supportive of staffs recommendation for one (1) fifteen foot (15') variance. <br />Public Comment <br />Mike Radovich,1820 Dale Court (2 houses down from proposed lot) <br />Mr. Radovich expressed frustration that, while the Public Hearing Notice post card had <br />stated that more detailed information was available on the City's website, he had not found it. <br />Associate Planner Bryan Lloyd apologized to Mr. Radovich, the Commission and public, <br />noting that it was only discovered on Monday that a link to the planning report was not <br />wo�-�iz�g properly; and had since been corrected. <br />Mr. IZac�ovich requested that the Variance Board postpone the case to allow the public <br />adequate time for review and comment regarding the requested variance. <br />Mr. Radovich noted his concerns with site lines and traffic safety at the intersection; need for <br />landscaping restrictions on the property to allow adequate site lines; consideration of granting <br />variances to a speculative builder; desire for a specific proposal by a build��; and opined that <br />that the property owners had created the circumstances and hardships on their own l�y <br />subdividing the original lot. Mr. Radovich addressed the group home on the oragiz�al <br />homestead, additional trafiic and cars parked in the driveway and the cluttering of the <br />neighborhood, creating declining property values. <br />Additional discussion included review of proposed dcsig�.�s by the Design Review Committee <br />(DRC} and whether the public could participate in that process, with staff advising that, while <br />not normally noticed, if the Variance Board applied that as a condition to the request, staff <br />would comply. <br />Mr. Radovich concluded his comments by opining that Ros�vilie needed to show caution, as <br />a first-ring suburb, in fume development, property value considerations, and end results <br />sought. <br />Tim Garvin,1812 Dale Court <br />Mr. Gamin reiterated the comments of Mr. Radovich; opining that tonight's request was a <br />direct result of a decision made by the property owner last year in subdividing the property, <br />creating the unique lot �equaritag a variance. Mr. Garvin further opined that the need for a <br />variance was only the beginning, and the neighborhood would be watching closely for any <br />improvements on the lot (i.e., landscaping, fences, etc.) and potential issues down the road if� <br />this variance was granted. <br />Chair Bakeman closed the Public Hearing. <br />