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Appeal Letter to the City of Roseville <br />September 15,2006 <br />Page 9 <br />City of Roseville Comprehensive Plan, Section 3, Goals and Policies, Paragraph III, Part <br />B (emphasis supplied). <br />The above quoted sections of the Comprehensive Plan indicate an overriding <br />desire in the City of Roseville to allow the type of residential development that tlie <br />Applicants are ultimately seelciz�g here. In this case, the lot in question is an unusual <br />shape, but is extremely close in size (approximately 93%) to the minimum required for a <br />corner lot. It only mal{es sense to allow the building of a traditionally designed home <br />on this parcel. <br />A traditionally designed home (as opposed to a unique or "i'ur�cy" triangular <br />building) will meet the criteria identified above �oz�� the Comprehensive Plan and will be <br />in the best interest of the City and the neighborhood. <br />For example, as described in the Comprehensive Plan, if a traditionally designed <br />home can be constructed on the parcel, the City's stated goals of striving for better <br />aesthetic appeal will be more easily met. A traditionally designed home will be more <br />lilcely to be aestheticallypleasing and consistentwith other homes in the neighborhood. <br />Furthermore, allowing the current variance request will allow for the maximum <br />potential of development of this parcel but yet remain consistent with good planning and <br />development practices. Also, t��e City's expressed desire is to emphasize quality design <br />and aesthetic appeal. <br />There are not too many vacant, buildable residential parcels of this size in the <br />City of Roseville. The Comprehensive Plan states that this little remaining land needs to <br />be "carefully" used. As stated in the Comprehensive Plan, it only malc�s sense to allow <br />the maxirnu.7n potential of this parcel, while maintaining good planning and development <br />practices. Denying the request and forcing the construction of an abnormal, <br />unconventional and potentially whacky house on this lot would clearly n_7� further those <br />stated goals. <br />Moreover, the City's residential goals include, protecting single family home <br />areas by keeping incompatible uses (such as icppky or offbeat triangular home designs) <br />out of residential neighborhoods. The City also strives to create neighborhood continuity <br />and scale and to improve aesthetic and visual effects. The foregoing will certainly be <br />accomplished if a traditionally designed home structure is placed on this lot. `��aese <br />laudable goals will lilcely not be met if an abnormal or even bizarrely designed triangular <br />home is built on this lot. <br />The allowance of a traditionally designed home will be good for the City and the <br />neighbors as a traditionally designed home will be more consistent with existing <br />structures in the neighborhood. Such a plan will thus be less likely to allow an <br />