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Appeal Letter to the City of Roseville <br />September 15,2006 <br />Page 8 <br />1. Achieve a flexible balance of different types of housing alternatives <br />(choice) that will meet the life cycle needs of residents. Tla�ough careful <br />use of the little remaining land in Roseville ident� and maintain �lie <br />existing balance (or at least the same percentages) of the residential land <br />use acreage throughout the community. <br />2. Xdentifv stable sin�le familv ar'eas and protect them. Preserve the <br />integrity of existing single family neighborhoods by prohibiting the <br />intrusion of incompatible uses. <br />3. Preserve residential areas (as currently designated on the City land use <br />plan) which have at least 4 of the 6 items listed: <br />a) adequate lot sizes for current homes; <br />b) an average building value for the area equal to or above the city <br />average per unit value; <br />c) meet or exceed thc structural requirements of the building and <br />maintenance codes; <br />d) required public infrastructure (utilities, roads and sidewallcs, and storm <br />water drainage and poz�dizag systems in place and functioning; <br />e) an identifiable residential neighborhood unit of 20 or more residences <br />defined by physical boundaries (streets, railroad or utility right-of-ways, <br />etc.) or landmarks (schools, libraries, churches, parlcs, open space, etc.); <br />and <br />�} a common architectural design or aesthetic treatment. <br />4. Promote neighborhood enhancement. Maintain and develop close lcnit <br />neighborhoods for single and inulti unit dwellings. Create �ei�hbo��iood <br />and caxnrnunitv aderztatv and scale; and improve co,�c�ntc�itv <br />visualla�sth�tic effect. <br />5. Encou�age maintenance o f existin� housin� and prouertv. U�.�r�de <br />current homes and n�one,�tv to meet "move rr� �� housin� needs. <br />Consistentiv u�r�rad�e residential amenities. inf�astructure, and other <br />necessities to maintain and improve ��o�e�tv values. <br />6. Park and open space are valuable assets to our residential areas. Guide <br />residential development locating it adjacent to the City Park and Open <br />System. <br />