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€�°P—i�� f? � 1�1 — ���I � fT.�'k.—_ � � � i5'7s �, �'I� <br />� �= ����Tl�.�. ���a��� � �#h�� � <br />�'��I� �--� <br />Mpxi��t€� �t°c�d� Guidelines ���' <br />Neighborhood Sfir��t� <br />� �dr+ � C��os�� �' <br />I.�wGI � �v��h <br />�ol � �'c _r� <br />� ;� Fa�vrWr71: 1,��ff�C�h' iR � <br />�r <br />F�.r� s.r+ti,+.ic • <br />I! h'u�'i���. �G�44�1� <br />r�dp�y+ use f!w <br />ru�w� <br />_ ��,—.-.-_.-.-._ �__---------___..�-------- <br />i'f t�ere s r��lt� � �r��r�t <br />use of an-str�t <br />par�in� <br />tr� r, a�,n � � ��dmmi r� �cv� +�� �� �.�rt�ik�� <br />r��,mnu� � a�fid �r•a�� n�m� ��ar� �� � <br />���r�� d174�c�, rr� �,�' y�o�.id 1r� 1nCo <br />aar�L�vopr� II`�a �rtl�{� ar � � �ra�,'rfo^.Jfr� rlYa� <br />�rpra:+�� <br />It is good design pcttctic� to �aarate maa�imum gr'ad� <br />sections with �tter sections and to lizrast �� length of <br />rYt�inium grade sections to no mom 1?��t 300 ft <br />Sustained gt�des of rn�e tk� 5 g�C�n� are a�d <br />desirable frr ��tter�l rs� and ��a�tic�i��y d��I� <br />for bicyclists and pedes[riss�s. Refer tr� �a�tirm 35, <br />Sidewallcsfor getideiias�x on aid�we� g�c�s. <br />A minimum susraus�d gr�cic of Q.� pers��.t i s needed t� <br />dmin neighborhood str�ets �aT.�s �nc�t� curb and <br />guti�s and 1 percent is ►�d� far ���ltt�.#��od sC�zt� <br />withno curbing. However, +��I�heighteurbs may tr� <br />used �v'��C� sustained grades ar� i�rti�aL <br />, � � �: �:.: -. <br />� <br />Network: �nt�ee�t�r should be a high p�ior�ty i+�` the <br />neighborhood sheet t►eivvo� Therefore, block lengths <br />should gene�y not e��cee� 660 fC and � perimeter <br />around a block should not exceed 2,4t}0 ft. �ig,at� 4-1 <br />illusir�ttes a schematic block ��t �cm�qrms to these <br />guidelines. ff'the roadway block perimeter exceeds <br />2, 000 ft., a mid-block c�t-thrbu�hlpathway for <br />pedestria�s and bi+cyelis� is recvrnrx��nde�. If the <br />I�aiion of a�S. schoql, or a�i�hbcxrhooa3 shopping is <br />opposite the a�idpo3nt of such a large block. then a mZd� <br />block cut-t�rc�ugl� should be pt�vided. <br />For a neighborhood s�te�t network with a branching <br />configuration. the maxim�,un distance between each <br />residence �cl the n�ttr�st intersection va�Y1 a major <br />street presvidin� i�i-riir�cti� �.ec��s should �oi �xce�d <br />1,�ilD ft_ Cl�apter 8�t.�t� that the time spentdriving c�n <br />neighborhood streets to access a major street should be <br />kept to a reasona6le 1 i t(gerl�sp� GU-�0 see.). At � <br />average speed of 20 mp�. a motorist v�11 drive newly <br />1,Rili'F �r_ in �if'F��_ <br />� �� 1� <br />� �� 1� <br />�1 �����1 <br />�11����� <br />���� � <br />1��� � <br />Fagure �I. Sample N�i�hbtsnc���sd St€ctt Block t� <br />C��t€�mts to B�fa�k i.en�t �uiirt�liu� <br />Squr��: .'i�sit�etttaai �trt�t�, �ccond Edirion. American <br />:�cYery �' Civil �'rs�ir�eers, i�au�r� �i�Jar� � Home <br />Builders. Urban f�a� T�sri� 1�fl <br />.4ofesFaa,la�a ad�f!_ hirl3�R rarc�� �,a� cf�5c h�cr� <br />�� a'�+� ir� kns#��dd� ofdGT� $�L nar ars�eA�e�er <br />8 F��O �� j6d$ A'� �+�+rn'Y+ �e+'�'�5`�k h'rtt�nt�'�D �'. �res��F�wl <br />��xivcaa� <br />�.d ��,�[�-E�� ���5 <br />4.6.1 General ��nsid�rc�iions <br />��ide�tia� parcels should be accessible �z'n Ctivtr <br />�ti�ns to m�m��� �*;+���Yy �t�c circulation <br />artd ta expedite em�rg�cy v�c�e access. However. <br />�� �zvst ek�".z��u� suix[�visio� of certain Cracts <br />� <br />�� <br />