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f <br />�, <br />� <br />� <br />RPR—��-2� 11�14 �& RSSOC. 952 238 1671 p,�5i05 <br />i� � �OT�1�0� �I� �$5��:'1 �til���� <br />� �--r F� { r`_ �- <br />��� <br />� f <br />� <br />��r� <br />,� <br />�' <br />I <br />i <br />(con�ir�ering sha� and terrain) might include �a limited <br />number of j¢r� along dead-end �. <br />Accr;s� to residential sites from a single direction <br />should be p�vzdr.rl only after a r.aref�i consideration of <br />alxern��iva tr�atrr,c±�its and potential problems. As the <br />number of people exclusively served by a Qi'v�r� <br />roadway inereases, the g��niia3. hazard c'�r <br />inconvenience of a tempq�ry ro�vt�y bin��g� aT�* <br />i�tcr�ases. Blockages can result from numerous causes. <br />such �s a vehicular accid�stt, utility bref�ls, fallen tree or <br />got� and pavement r�a�1r�, tfi�'h�e suck �ett�e�tC�s are <br />e�nusus�. ��4g must still be reggr�ded �d terms of their <br />effect on access by emergency police. Fire. or <br />ambulance equipment <br />If a r3e��1��*nd st�� end� �t ot n��.r mother street with <br />pedestrian facilities, a ��t ��ssr.�n connection <br />should�provi��c3, S� �gur�4-2 iarazt ��ple. <br />�_�� �f1��{S��+i�� <br />It 5� r�c;ornr�nc��d that d�ad-cnti btr���s E� no ��r <br />th� 1.dU� ft �ar�F�f�h1}�, no longer than 700 �`t.) and <br />s�svc no �zapre �an 30 dwelling units. W[thin an <br />S�11t��►+� Ct�nncce� strect network [z.�� wirhin a <br />``tr:zditidnal" n�ighhcsr�x�ro� street l�yaut�, the length of <br />dead-end �u�ets should be restricced m no longer than <br />200 �t. <br />�5� �+r�n <br />I��sdr�md sheets must be designed to enable �'a�au� <br />ty}�s of +r�,;�:Tes to crrculat� and �[�7 around. AC a <br />z��i�t�mg paa-�transit �r�t�s, ��+p4� C�€tcks and s�t�9e- <br />n� tn�.cics should be acc�srnnsod�. As noted �r�4r. <br />i:,f, �qu��s vehicle ty� (e.�., era�g�tacy vehicles. <br />moving vans) should b� able to �c.�c�s slt }�ro�i� �id <br />not be prevented �m exit�at� the dead-end �6�+ n a <br />�ra�ttc�i r�a-anxset. <br />The outside turni�g radius nsetied to accommodate <br />passcnger � in the eurrent Noah.4meriean fleetis 25 <br />R, suggesting a 34-f�. minimum nt�rb raciius for �ns� <br />ci��u� cul-de-sac designs. Some types of garbage <br />fzrraks �quiz� a radius of about 35 fC, If the ��s is <br />_ �L : <br />�eea�er eh�.n 40 fc., a center �st�� with at least a S»f�, <br />radius should be added ifa ccr�C�r island is constructed. <br />a minimum pavement width of 25 �t, should �� <br />provided wound the island <br />F��u� 4a�. aample SidewalkCor,n�tipns on i'+��F�i� <br />Str�ets [iiat Afsuk a Major Street <br />�uu,rr: ��'*��'��Plannin� Pr�F��,2nd <br />'�di�ort. F`tgrt�e 1�r33. page i5�1 <br />Because of ih� varia�t�rts po�si�i� in �p�roacs'� �� <br />width, as �r�Q � in the dead-end tcr������ tre�tan�t� <br />a�oc�I policy ��g the r�g��t cr� wa*� width �+ �pWii. <br />grr���r hJmn r,F�a ca�r�-c�r-caarb pavement widih is <br />s��g�,�te�i for all types of dead end street designs. <br />At the cotmection between the cut-�ci�ssc right-of-way <br />arc and the basic roadway rig�t-c�f-wsy, a nearly <br />constant curbto-propertyline dimension is.d�sirab�e. If <br />the radius f�r the curb revers� curve i s 50 �.. or less. �he <br />�ghi•of-�ay reverse a�-ve radius should be no more <br />