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APR��S-2��� 11�1� BENSHOOF � R��QC. 952 238 1671 P.06/06 <br />Cha ter 4: I.ongitudi��a1 Dimensions for Roadway Design <br />�n �U Fr ��r9mn:F�r, s�dG a: 3� f�.�, 7� +�gh«f-w.•o�+ TF'E publis�tl,mn �he P�rrk.fM� �#�u.�,�k��E fr�r 5k�e2� <br />�wt�e�v$ r�ius r�oubd rn�t�h.t�a r�,t� rowc� ��R�f��� v�pt� �VO:1�'b1t �, prr,e�ch�°� �t�C <br />�ar�+� radiUS if l�e LakGr� ia �e.aler Ih;.n 5q �r, �e&iag �st�ci pnrkin� �Fp:y. <br />Gener�ily �� � p�?R� should b� prc��ibiE�c� on c�ular <br />t�rnarounds because it requires additional right-of-way. <br />ff curb parking is provided. a s��c�ent radiux is needed <br />to accommodate both pnrked vehicles and vehicles <br />turning in the eu�-de-sac. <br />�r� TRAF�� ���iT��� ���f I��S <br />Most r�eighisor3�vod �e� wii� have relatively low <br />ta�'ic volumes ancts��is azs� �hauld be clesigned without <br />marked c�ntertines. For caliecto3rs, �"��tr-Inne streets �r.t <br />s�Eets lined v� �.ixed uselcorn�i�re�a� development <br />and on-meet parking, pavement markings should <br />typically be provided to identify the �rt�rfine and any <br />ircc�i�viduai Ian�s. A1i p�v�m�rx� � should cnnfi�rsn <br />to tl�te rc�i ni�c r�. � recommendations of 3h� �. <br />The nurnb�rof yi gn� pl�ced along a neighborhood �tte�t <br />should � minirnizad � tt�ose req�ar��! or suggested � <br />th� n��`CT�, glus a�pr�griar� gat�way and guide signs. <br />5rrc�t naz�s� si�s should be double bladed. provide the <br />names of both strcets. provide b�ack numbers and be <br />re�ectar€�d. Parking restriction signs s�.�.y be <br />���sary to post time restrictions for ori-street parking <br />along sections of a mixed��ase/com,merci�� �trc��t. <br />�.ikewise, signs are needed to denote designated <br />loading. h�ndicapped par�g x�d bc�s and �4 zones. <br />�� � Dead-end streets should be sigrta� us such.-A <br />��� neighborhoodstreet networkwith ��iy� a single access <br />point should be posted ss "no e�utic�." <br />�, <br />If on-streetparking use is i;n�cx�aoztt�t �a.�,, in low- � <br />medium-�nsi[y r�.aidenti�. ��igh}sorh+�Ods during <br />special even� such as p�e� or yard sales). neither <br />pavementmarP�i.ngs nor si�ga i� required. If on-street <br />par�in� is ex.���i to be �ir�r�enc (�.g., along the <br />�'m�itag� of a nei�hborhtr� r�l graperty�, individual <br />��s�ing stalls may be marked and any �ax�in� Tszna <br />limits should be �i�r�. If on-street p�tki�g is <br />prohibitedor if r�.� is a i�� limitor otherrest��ti�, <br />sr����ir�a�e r�gu.�cary �igr�s s�a�uld be �rryided. The <br />�� <br />T��#�k., �, � <br />