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��� -��� : �-. . ���r�y l���r�� ;��� 1������� <br />. - Susan R Roth, Division Manager <br />� 812 Government Center West <br />50 West Kellogg Boulevard Fax: 651-266-2210 <br />��ti�{.:c�u�tt St. Paul, MN 55�02-1657 <br />August 31,2006 <br />City of Roseville <br />Attention: Chris Miller, Interim City Manager <br />2660 Civic Center Drive <br />Roseville, MN 55113-1899 <br />Dear Mr. Miller: <br />Enclosed is a listing of a property located in your municipality, which forfeited to the State of <br />Minnesota on August 1, 2006, for non-payment of real estate taxes. Pursuant to statute, this <br />property has been reviewed by Ramsey County to determine its classification as either <br />conservation or non-conservation land. <br />Minnesota Statutes, section 282.01, subd. 1, requires the county to notify each city or township <br />in which such properties are located of both the forfeitures and classification. This letter and list <br />serves as that notice of forfeiture and a notice that the land has been classified by Ramsey <br />County as non-conservation. <br />The Statute further provides that each city or township has 60 days from the date of this notice <br />to approve the classification and sale of the parcel, to request a conveyance of the land to your <br />city for a public use or to request that the property be withheld from public sale for a period not <br />to exceed six months. A municipality or governmental subdivision shall pay maintenance <br />costs incurred by the county during the six-month period while the property is withheld <br />from public sale, provided the property is not offered for public sale after the six-month <br />period. <br />If you request that the parcel be conveyed to your municipalityfor an authorized public use the <br />above stafutory timeline must be strictiv observed. Within 60 davs of this notice of classification <br />and ��rai+a�i�i��r �r newly forfeited properl+�s, the government unit must submit an application for <br />a public use deed �sinc� Form 962, Application �� a Governmenfal Subdivision for Corrveyance <br />of Tax-�'arf"�ited Land. Forms are available 4,pr�n request from this office. The appiication �or a <br />use deed is not complete and timely if it is not accompanied by a certified resolution of the <br />governing body stating the public purpose for which the property will be used. <br />Minnesota'sFirst �Toat�e Rule Coumy <br />printed on recynied paperwiGh a minjmu�p of 10%post�consamr,t contenl <br />�� <br />