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1����" ��`���":� <br />� <br />�Vlemo <br />Tn: Maynr and CiCy Council <br />From: Chris Miller, Interirr� City Manager G�� <br />Date: Octaber 16, 2�06 <br />Re: Discussion on the City's 2007 Legislative Progra� <br />Date: I 0/16/06 <br />�tem: &. <br />2007 Legislative Program <br />Introduction <br />Prior to eaGh legislati�e session, t�e City Cauncil is as�ed to ha�d a discussian on whether there <br />ar� issues or ap�ortunities affecting Rosevzlle t�Zat ought to l�e £o�ally cammunica�ed ta �:he <br />State Legislatuxc. Mnst recently, the City successfully requested to �ae included in the State's <br />2006/�007 Banding Biil to help �ay iar improvements for the OVAL. <br />While tihe next legislative s�ssion �s a few mantl�s away, it is impartanf to begi� speaking with <br />State Of�cials now to; 1) gauge the level af support, and 2) ensure that our interests are <br />represented. <br />it should be noted, tha� the 20�5 S�ate-wide eiections may compiicate our Legislative Program. <br />At �his tirne, it is uncertain who aur State Ofi�'icials �vill be and what co�zttees ihese off cials <br />wzli serve on. This may harnper our a�ility to get a�� early star�. <br />Discussion Items <br />City Staff have prepared r�emQS outlining thf <br />Rose�ille and for wh.ich additional legislatio� <br />aitached, and �nclude t�e following topics: <br />variaus issues a�d ppportunities that impact <br />might be need�d. Copies of t�e memos are <br />1} Local Optio� �al�$ Tax <br />2) Inclusion of t1�e (3VAL into the 4�erating Budget of a State Agency (par�ial �'unding) <br />3) Trans�ortatian Issues <br />4) Eleciion reforrns <br />At�ach�nent <br />❑ Attachm�nts A,B, C, and D-� Staff M�mos <br />Final Comments <br />An eventual outcome of this �neetin�, or subsequent meeting, coulct resuIt in the passage of a <br />resalu�ian showin� City suppart a� issues. T�is resolution could th�n be farwaxded �o our <br />legzslative delegatio�, il�e League af MN Czties and athers. Alterna�irre�y, t�� Council cauld <br />pursue direct or indirect lobbying ef�'oarts by Ci�y Staff andlor paid consultants. <br />