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��� 'M� � � <br />�.,j.,,r► �J : —.. _�� � <br />� ' � <br />Ta: Mayor and Giiy Co�ncil <br />Frort�: Chris Miller, Interirn City Manage � <br />D�ie: Octaber 16, 2006 <br />Re: Consideration o� Special Legislation fc�r Local Option. Sales Ta� <br />Introduction <br />U�der curren� State Law�, municipalities are preven�ed ira�n enactiz�g a sales tax wi�hout first <br />reeeiving Iegislative approval and Ioca� approval by a refexenduzn vote. Typica�ly, a lacal optio� <br />sales ta�c is dedicated far a s�aecific prr�jeci or i�itiative az�d "ancludes a surzset date. Legzslative <br />approvals granted to municzpalities in recent years hav� be�n iz�d ip prajects that �ave regianal <br />bene�'�t. <br />In 2004, the Mi�esota Departmeni of Revenue issued a repori t�at examaned the history oi the <br />local pptian sales tax, and its �znderlying �ari�czples arad palzcy issues. The �'ollawing subjecfi <br />�rzatters were I�ighlag�ted in the Report. <br />History of the Laca! Option Sales Tax <br />The report notes that Minnesota is a relati�vice newcomer tn s�a�e and local taxes espeeiaily the <br />Iocal sales �ax. Min�esota enacted a s�atewide sales tax in 1967, becaming t�e second-to-iast <br />sta�e ta do so. Tn 1971, the legisla�ure enaetad some sweeping tax reforms which became widely <br />knawn as the `Min�zesota Miracle'. The reforms were designed to generate rr�ore monies a� the <br />Siate level �hat cotild then be distri�uted to Iocal �avernments in ihe form of `State aid', based on <br />cer�ain criteria including local "need". <br />Because the refaz�ms were deszgned to better equalize wealth acxoss a broad region, �tate Leaders <br />realized ihat it had to restrict local gover�nent's ability to I�vy sates tax indepcnderztly. As a <br />result, as part of the 1971 refor�n package, the Legislature enacted a prohibition against new or <br />increased 1ncal taaces nn sales or incnrne. At t�e tirr�e c�f the 1971 �rohibition, five Minnesota <br />czties �iad a�xeady aclapted �acal sales taxes, they include�: Mznx�eapalis, St. Paul, Duluth, <br />Rachester, anct Blaamir�gton. Enabli�g legislatian is no�c�v rec��ired ta implement a loeal sales <br />tax. <br />Taday, 21 local jurisdictions have a locaI sales tax af either 0.50% or 1.OQ%. They i�clucie: <br />Alber� Lea B�ter <br />CQak County Duluth <br />Minneapalis New Ulm <br />Si. C1oud Area* �t. Pau� <br />Bemidji Brair�erc� <br />Her�nantown Mankaio <br />Proctor Rochesier <br />Two Harbors W�llmar <br />* includes; St. C1r�ud, Sartell, Saulc Rapids, S�. Augusta, St. Jaseph, and Waite Park <br />Attack�z�ent A <br />