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��S � 1 �� <br />Public Works Depar�men�En�ineering <br />• '. <br />Ta: C1�ris Nliller, Interim City Manager <br />.�oannt: Duat�e Sc�wartz, Pu�1ic Warks Directar <br />Date; 10/9/2006 <br />Re: 2047 Transportatian Le�slat�ve Issues <br />'il�ere are several measures beiu�g d'asaussed as poten�ial fiznding related transporiatior� issues far <br />2007 by the City En�eers Associat�on o� Miz�nesota (CEAM) and �he Minnesata Public Works <br />Association. Some of these have r�;ived suppart fram �e Leapue of Minnesota Cii�es in past <br />Ie�islative sessians. �`undimg af t�ansporta�ion infi�stt�acture continues io be one o� the �igliesi <br />prioriiies for rr�any jurisdici�ons. While Roseville may be in a better position ikaara z�any <br />communities in this area due to past coz�znitnrx�nts to our �tre�t infrastruc�urc, it is i�npor�ta�.t that we <br />c,�ntinue to monitnr at�d su�ort measures to ensure ikzat w� have the funding opporninii�es to meei <br />our needs �.n the £uiure. The fol�nwing are the issues on t�ese organizatzaz� legislative agendas far <br />2007. <br />Gas Tax Tncrease <br />These arganiza�inns s�zpport aan. izacnease ix� the state tax on gasoline by a�nir�imurn of 10 cent� per <br />galIon, ta be ef�ecrive July 2007. 'Fhey support measures �o iitadex t�e tax to inflaiion or <br />construataan cnsts so that the reven�e stream can samewhat ke�p pace vv�th t�e u�crease ic� cosis nf <br />l2lflc"lS`fTi.1C� CAriS�'l�Cbflll, 1Tl�.tri��i1�11C�, and operaf�ons. Raseville relies on our allacation o� <br />Mut�cipal State Ai�d (gas tax) for consiructian puYposes on 23% of our street system and <br />appra�mately 25% of our annual street zz�aintenance budget. Our a�loca�ion has b�n decreasi�g <br />each year due to the e�pansinn of t�e r�a�t�o azea sl�azing the same pool of revenue. TYze gas taa� has <br />n€�t been increased since 1988. We are project'vng th� cu�ent le�el o�fiu�ding will not rneet nur State <br />Aid System construc�ion ne�ds �ar the near futu�re. <br />Motor Ve�aicle Registration Tax <br />There has been som.e ct�setassio�n ta arnend Minnesota �tatutes to re-establish a less-t�cated fe� <br />sc�edule for motor vehicle z�egzs�ra�o�s. In 2000, st,�ie law was amended such tha� for new ve�c�es <br />�he mo�nr vehicle taxable value droppecl ic� a capped maximum of $99 by the third year—fa�r <br />quicker than k�ad occ�ured in �e past. Reversion tc� a sc�edule tl�at decreases �he rate ��vhich the <br />taarable value approaches the maximum cap, while s�ill basing it on th� abiiity to pay per th� value <br />Aitachtnent C <br />